1 month ago5 points(+0/-0/+5Score on mirror)1 child
Yeah if I got stabbed by some sand nigger then the government came in to force me into a class about how it’s not Islam’s fault, their racial fault, and actually ***my*** fault in some mental gymnastic roundabout way because of the stresses of White society on him….
I’d aspire to be the Hitler they dreamed up, and not the actual historical figure.
(((They))) had me with the holohoax brainwashing back in first grade, then I started to notice all the bullshit in fake news media about "muh not all muslims", which of course was no longer the case when a muslim attacked a jew.
Fictional Hitler made some real life appearances over the years in Germany, I remember the man who bought a propane tank and a hose then chased kikes on the street blowing propane at them. (((They))) were literally gassed. 🤡🌎
Funny how "big government" never really gets in the way of de-radicalization classes and other DEI lectures, the police kneeling or covering up "grooming" and pretty much all of the rest of the agenda.
All the "never impute malice to incompetence" people have shown to be dead wrong with AIDS at this point.
1 month ago5 points(+0/-0/+5Score on mirror)2 children
And it got worst, for 14 years, under the Tories.
The party that had Saint Thatcher back in 79-90, when the overwhelming majority was local White, became the party of free money for immigrants and smuggling them in during lock-downs.
True, specifically Pakis and Jamaicans most of all. The UK has always been a "microcosm" of future America. Whatever happens there seems to take hold here a decade or so later, which is beyond scary seeing as they are 100% a police state today.
Thatcher is praised for her economic policies, but those policies were almost exclusively the product of (((Milton Friedman))), which brought rampant inflation, income equality, and the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression. And the UK has never really recovered from any of it. Taxes were raised through privatization, but none of that money was reinvested back into infrastructure. Those policies also gutted Britain's industry to convert it into another bullshit "service economy."
I can't help but think that shutting down the UK coal mines in 84 had the same actual motivations as zero carbon, shutting down the water and farms today. What changed was the excuses.
"Close a pit, kill a community" Was the objective.
1 month ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
While I legitimately think my country is the modern day Babylon and welcome it's demise if it doesn't change course, you couldn't pay me to live in the pussified UK.
I’d aspire to be the Hitler they dreamed up, and not the actual historical figure.
Fictional Hitler made some real life appearances over the years in Germany, I remember the man who bought a propane tank and a hose then chased kikes on the street blowing propane at them. (((They))) were literally gassed. 🤡🌎
All the "never impute malice to incompetence" people have shown to be dead wrong with AIDS at this point.
The party that had Saint Thatcher back in 79-90, when the overwhelming majority was local White, became the party of free money for immigrants and smuggling them in during lock-downs.
Thatcher is praised for her economic policies, but those policies were almost exclusively the product of (((Milton Friedman))), which brought rampant inflation, income equality, and the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression. And the UK has never really recovered from any of it. Taxes were raised through privatization, but none of that money was reinvested back into infrastructure. Those policies also gutted Britain's industry to convert it into another bullshit "service economy."
"Close a pit, kill a community" Was the objective.