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whatlike_withacloth on
1 month ago0 points(+0/-0)
>you can't be obese and be good at cardio
99.99999999% agree. Would be 100%, but...
I actually knew a PhD chemist who had to have an obese BMI that led several aerobics classes *per day* and continually outperformed all of his students (of which I was one, occasionally... I was more into real sports). He was a freak. He ate like shit or he probably would have been much leaner, but his aerobic capacity was such that it never occurred to him to lose weight besides aesthetics, which wasn't enough of a concern apparently.
He now has sciatica and is sidelined AFAIK, but holy shit, for a good 20-30 years, then man was the exception that proved the rule. And he wasn't like Ragan Chastain or Chris Farley fat but, y'know... John Belushi in The Blues Brothers sized.
But for the overwhelming majority you're right - good at cardio =/= obese. I will never meet another man like him in my lifetime, I'm certain.
99.99999999% agree. Would be 100%, but...
I actually knew a PhD chemist who had to have an obese BMI that led several aerobics classes *per day* and continually outperformed all of his students (of which I was one, occasionally... I was more into real sports). He was a freak. He ate like shit or he probably would have been much leaner, but his aerobic capacity was such that it never occurred to him to lose weight besides aesthetics, which wasn't enough of a concern apparently.
He now has sciatica and is sidelined AFAIK, but holy shit, for a good 20-30 years, then man was the exception that proved the rule. And he wasn't like Ragan Chastain or Chris Farley fat but, y'know... John Belushi in The Blues Brothers sized.
But for the overwhelming majority you're right - good at cardio =/= obese. I will never meet another man like him in my lifetime, I'm certain.