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PurestEvil on
1 month ago8 points(+0/-0/+8Score on mirror)2 children
Only that makes sense. I know nobody here in Hungary who'd support sodomy marriage. And I bet - assuming they just don't make it all up, or just poll each other - they just ask people in Budapest, which is somewhat degenerate as all capitals or major cities are. Ask around in rural areas, they'll tell you gypsies don't even count as human.
1 month ago6 points(+0/-0/+6Score on mirror)1 child
On similar polls, before some propagandist remove the source from the screenshot, I've read the source material from most polling institutes. First of all they have to buy personal data somewhere. Since nobody is allowed to sell, it's all very shady on how they came across the data in the first place. Often there's some jew somewhere willing to sell under the assumption "if I don't sell this data, someone else will oy vey!".
The selection per country is rarely more than 500 people. So we're supposed to believe that 500 calls, of which only 50-100 might even answer are representative for entire nations of millions of people. And because their personal data was stolen and illegally sold, you just know that these aren't very bright people, most of them also have several subscriptions to fake news media and have multiple times been victims of pajeet scammers, their computers, if they have one is flooded by viruses.
Many institutes use actual phone calls, or a form to fill in. Then there's the translation aspect. How is the question even asked, because everyone will get the question translated to their own language were it can be interpreted differently. As for the forms, you can bet the welfare parasites and fags just want their movie tickets or €10 gift cards for several hours of work. No way they actually take time to answer every single poll honestly, they pick a column and mark all answers as yes, or all as no. It's anonymous anyway so they get their rewards and the result becomes fucked.
This is the state of polling in today's clown world, and I assume it's not much better outside of EU. Most polls are used by propagandists anyway, and they have no interest in the truth, they order the result they want, then the institute does something to produce some sort of poll. Maybe they're being vetted, someone actually checking the forms to ensure that some sort of polling actually happened as some institutes are partially tax funded too.
1 month ago3 points(+0/-0/+3Score on mirror)1 child
> So we're supposed to believe that 500 calls
Ooooh I see, they do calls. I understand now... so they operate on data they acquired from some traitorous jew. Then of course there is a MASSIVE selection bias in play.
> that these aren't very bright people, most of them also have several subscriptions to fake news media and have multiple times been victims of pajeet scammers, their computers, if they have one is flooded by viruses.
Yes, exactly. Something in that direction. Like gullible leftists morons watching TV or Netflix. Who will give you all information when asked by a cashier.
> How is the question even asked
Yes. The conclusion could be completely leftist while the questions could be very tame, as to raise the chances of left-conform answers. They could ask something like "do you think faggots should be able to marry", or even "do you think faggot marriages should be forbidden" and the conclusion is "so many people believe faggot marriage should be allowed throughout Europe." The translation is just another vector which allows them to play linguistic games.
> to ensure that some sort of polling actually happened as some institutes are partially tax funded too.
Yeah, the minimum necessary to be oh-so good on paper. Just like the Soviet Union, which had a massive, excruciating slave labor system going with tens of millions of dead. And nobody got ever punished. It just smoothly "transitioned" out of it.
The selection per country is rarely more than 500 people. So we're supposed to believe that 500 calls, of which only 50-100 might even answer are representative for entire nations of millions of people. And because their personal data was stolen and illegally sold, you just know that these aren't very bright people, most of them also have several subscriptions to fake news media and have multiple times been victims of pajeet scammers, their computers, if they have one is flooded by viruses.
Many institutes use actual phone calls, or a form to fill in. Then there's the translation aspect. How is the question even asked, because everyone will get the question translated to their own language were it can be interpreted differently. As for the forms, you can bet the welfare parasites and fags just want their movie tickets or €10 gift cards for several hours of work. No way they actually take time to answer every single poll honestly, they pick a column and mark all answers as yes, or all as no. It's anonymous anyway so they get their rewards and the result becomes fucked.
This is the state of polling in today's clown world, and I assume it's not much better outside of EU. Most polls are used by propagandists anyway, and they have no interest in the truth, they order the result they want, then the institute does something to produce some sort of poll. Maybe they're being vetted, someone actually checking the forms to ensure that some sort of polling actually happened as some institutes are partially tax funded too.
Ooooh I see, they do calls. I understand now... so they operate on data they acquired from some traitorous jew. Then of course there is a MASSIVE selection bias in play.
> that these aren't very bright people, most of them also have several subscriptions to fake news media and have multiple times been victims of pajeet scammers, their computers, if they have one is flooded by viruses.
Yes, exactly. Something in that direction. Like gullible leftists morons watching TV or Netflix. Who will give you all information when asked by a cashier.
> How is the question even asked
Yes. The conclusion could be completely leftist while the questions could be very tame, as to raise the chances of left-conform answers. They could ask something like "do you think faggots should be able to marry", or even "do you think faggot marriages should be forbidden" and the conclusion is "so many people believe faggot marriage should be allowed throughout Europe." The translation is just another vector which allows them to play linguistic games.
> to ensure that some sort of polling actually happened as some institutes are partially tax funded too.
Yeah, the minimum necessary to be oh-so good on paper. Just like the Soviet Union, which had a massive, excruciating slave labor system going with tens of millions of dead. And nobody got ever punished. It just smoothly "transitioned" out of it.
Was that my friend fucking with me, or is that real? I suspect it's real.