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Candelabro14 on
1 month ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror ) 2 children
I don't really see an issue. Its not some play to enslave the Greenlanders. If there is a legitimate economic route to making Greenland a territory that both sides agree to then what's the issue? Land is just land man. Its the people who give it purpose. So if a solution is reached that satisfy the people and end up helping them and us, what's the problem?
DeplorableGerman on
1 month ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
The problem is that it's not a bunch of fat Americans in suits huffed up on their own shabbos greatness who founded Greenland.

Culture, Tradition, Mythology. These things matter. America, the country screeching about not changing national borders, is the same country constantly grabbing at borders, couping countries and being a massive menace to every other country on the planet. Like, fuck off. No one crowned you the hottest shit in the world or the ruler of the Earth. Fuck off. Just fuck off. Deal with your own problems. Close down the border and FUCK OFF inwards.

If It Breathe, It An Enemy To America. Heil AmeriKKKa.
Candelabro14 on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Look man I don't see an issue with a country finding a nonviolent route to get larger control of a place like that. Now if he comes in and overdeveloped the place and made it some attempted resort island then fuck that. Taking control and helping its people financially while building a defense infrastructure is whatever. I agree with the dealing with the borders inwards bit. If he deports illegals just to widen the allowances on "legals" then he fucked up immediately. Don't get it wrong I expect him to fuck it up immediately. But I'm not against everything. Its not about destroying fishing villages to bring about Americana. If it became that, then fuck it entirely. Puerto Rico didn't become some bastion of Americana when it was annexed.
Brannvesen on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
Denmark built the civilization and the Inuits immigrated. This is like native American tribes claiming most of the US land as theirs, then they sell it to Russia and China. But for the sake of realism, let's also assume that Russia and China has 50x stronger armies than the US. That's not a problem in your world?

Your land which you owned for generations suddenly being bought by a foreign entity who has a weird definition of land ownership.Because that's what's gonna happen, the people on Greenland won't be able to afford the US property taxes and will be kicked out of their own homes as gentrification takes place.
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