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RoulerBleu on
1 month ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 1 child
>Even tho the Danes were there 200 years before the Inuits arrived.

And after the Inuit genocided every single one of the previous inhabitants, with zero mixing.

Same for the Inuits in Canada and Québec.

Never let them try to falsely claim ''indigenous'' status. The Inuits in Québec arrived a few decades before the French. If the Inuits are ''natives'', then the French are too.

But we all know what the ''Progressives'' mean by ''Indigenous''. It means ''whoever was there last, 5 minutes before White people''.

This is why they don't consider European ethnicities as the Indigenous peoples of Europe.
Brannvesen on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
Building some sort of permanent settlement should also be a requirement. Otherwise we'd have gypsies claiming the whole world even though all they ever did was traveling from place to place, stealing from the locals and then somehow leaving behind several truckloads of trash on the ground.

Historians makes a distinct difference between hunter gatherers and farmers back in the early days. The inuits are till hunter gatherers.
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