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If you were born yesterday, there were a lot of competitors for Amazon. Jeff Bezos used free money from the Jewish banks to lower prices artificially, forcing all the honest competition to get bankrupt. This is the same thing that happened when Microsoft / Bill Gates used the Jewish banks money to get all the honest competition go bankrupt.

If you research this, you will find out that all oligarchs, including Elon Musk, are sponsored by Jewish banks and have made all honest competition go bankrupt.

If you have a start up, the Jews will try to buy it. If you don't want to sell, the Jews will get you to become bankrupt. As easy as it gets.
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systemthrowaway on
2 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
What do you mean goyim all you have to do is play smart and drop out of college you'll be a billionaire in no time the USD is totally real
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