Sadly not the first time. He got blacklisted off adult swim and his show alongside Nick Roeschefort cancelled. And the fact that Mike Lazo couldn’t get it back on air is depressing
20 days ago15 points(+0/-0/+15Score on mirror)3 children
Elon really wants to die on the H1B hill? There are plenty of White American men who would take lower wages at this point because theyre desperate for a job, and provide better quality work in a shorter amount of time than any pajeets. He really seems to be stuck in the jew/boomer mindset that more hours = more work done when most studies have shown that people peak at around 4 hours in a day and then end up drastically reducing in productivity. The Protestant 'work ethic" and its consequences have been a disaster for the white race.
20 days ago10 points(+0/-0/+10Score on mirror)1 child
I don’t know where this Indians being better than us came from. Last weekend at the mall I’ve had a couple Pajeetas literally approach me ignoring the other pajeets. Sad part this was at a really expensive higher up type of mall never had I seen a place like this have hardly no whites but mainly just jeets and other Asians which I assume are Chinese
20 days ago7 points(+0/-0/+7Score on mirror)1 child
He also fired thousands of tech workers when he took over twitter which resulted in a purge of tech workers across the industry which culminated in 250,000 tech jobs being eliminated last December vefore Christmas and another 100,000 by New Years.
19 days ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)1 child
To be fair, I think a lot of the people eliminated from twitter absolutely deserve to be out of job, a bunch of censorious faggots. The tech crash started well before he bought twitter too, it was some time in early 2020 when one of the banks bloating the tech sector with fake money collapsed and then all the companies suddenly realized they were hiring too many tech people. But instead of hiring competent young whites and removing the DEI rot, they simply began removing whites and hiring more browns and fags.
Do you still use arete now and then? I have no intention of ever coming back to knowing now what I know about it, but wanted to message you on arete.
Sam Hyde is a cool guy but he kinda looks like a mix between Trotsky and Lenin in that photo. Besides that he’s very comfortable working with kosher people however he’s been burned badly before by them after losing million dollar extreme from Adult Swim and the owner of it Mike Lazo was so mad when it happened and couldn’t get it back on the air.
Sam Hyde!? Again!?
Comedian Sam Hyde Not ‘Behind’ Spread of Coronavirus
**He can't keep getting away with it!**
Sam Hyde : Thanks White People. HILARIOUS!:
Hundreds of funny Sam Hyde Clips on internet. some were on
He can't keep getting away with it!
We have to stop Sam Hyde!
216 videos remain in a nice scrolling list (unranked) :
He also did subversive standup Holocaust jokes 2:30 mark at :
red pill facts with real numbers
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