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DeplorableGerman on
10 days ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)2 children
With that logic you might as well keep raping a woman who is crying because she clearly just wants to entice you to keep going.
Disgusting Hasbarites being disgusting.
Christ, i wonder where this association of "White people" with dehumanization, rape and cruel and unusual killings comes from. (((HMMMMMMMMMMMM.))) Truly a mystery for the (s)ages.
10 days ago3 points(+0/-0/+3Score on mirror)1 child
Unfortunately in this case it's true that she's not trying to break her programming. She cried, but she didn't say she was gonna stop. In fact, she said she wants to break the world record and sleep with 1,000 people in a day (not even physically possible, but that's what she said).
Yes it is. We mustn't desire anything but God and Jesus Christ; Similarly we mustn't desire to see our fellow man suffer. I do not wish to see the Kikes suffer; I just want them punished. I don't *hate* the Kikes, because *hate* goes against what God desires of us. I disavow the Kikes and i oppose them, spiritually, ideologically. They can be defeated. They can be punished. That doesn't mean i want to run around like a blood-crazed heathen maniac and chop people into fleshy heaps.
Do not conflate a sense of justice and righteous indignation with a base and carnal desire for brutality.
Disgusting Hasbarites being disgusting.
Christ, i wonder where this association of "White people" with dehumanization, rape and cruel and unusual killings comes from. (((HMMMMMMMMMMMM.))) Truly a mystery for the (s)ages.
Do not conflate a sense of justice and righteous indignation with a base and carnal desire for brutality.