You know that she kept going to get that magic number. She probably felt sick after 50.
Anyway, no time to clean, so dudes are swapping and eating each others jizz. Homos.
Anyway, no time to clean, so dudes are swapping and eating each others jizz. Homos.
You know what's worse than prostitution and "dirty warehouse sodomy trafficking at gunpoint"? Beaming this shunt into people's brains and making them prisoners of degenerate acquired habits.
You can surround yourself with as much Jew-elry, gold, plaster, expensive clothes, made nails and hair and so on and so forth whatever; It still won't wash off the trafficking, sodomy and SRA.
I pity these women for having fallen victim to (((Them of the Star))).
> Beaming this shit into people's brains and making them prisoners of degenerate acquired habits.
I used to wave this right here off as "Oh but Christians are just dumb prudes who don't like fun". How can inhibiting yourself be freedom? But i have realized that being subordinate to daemonic, carnal, bestial, instinctual or foreign-planted desires and urges and habits is not freedom at all. True freedom is living a Godly life even if others clown on you.
Shunt, this turned into a wall of text.
She did this to herself. She's a "stronk independent wyman". She made her choice.
Investigate the men and the structures she works through instead of piling shit on someone who is clearly trying to break her programming.
Just don't icky sticky until marriage, it ain't that hard. If you find the right fiancé, tying the knot can happen really fast.
Said me, a single volcel, kek.
Disgusting Hasbarites being disgusting.
Christ, i wonder where this association of "White people" with dehumanization, rape and cruel and unusual killings comes from. (((HMMMMMMMMMMMM.))) Truly a mystery for the (s)ages.
This very much reminds of the time Jesus Christ comforted a Prostitute who'd been sent to him by assailants who demanded she be put to death. Remember what Jesus said; May he who is free of sin cast the first stone, and they fanned out, broke into yapping amongst themselves and ultimately left without harming the whore, but having delivered her into the arms of Christ.
She fornicated.
I'm not saying she's a good one, i'm just saying that we should focus on the structures and organisations that mislead people, rather than focusing on mislead people.
You have to go straight at the problem, which is females choosing to be whores (and males choosing to be whoremongers). Doing that first requires directly acknowledging the problem, that they are not being raped (forced to have sex by someone else), they are fornicating.
Jesus Christ be praised.
Keep the faith, stay true to the Covenant even if you struggle every day. I know i do. I now understand the deeper message of Berserk! as well. Keep struggling, fellow Strugglers!
Jesus Christ be praised, amen.
Sadly most people mistake Libertinism for true liberty and then wonder why they are miserable slaves to every single vice. As St Augustine wisely stated, "A man has as many masters as he has vices"
and my suspicions have been confirmed, much like the Hawk Tuah [girl this bitch IS jewish]( [facial phenotype checks out, also the ears are well below the eyeline]
and this "stunt" is to NORAMLIZE EXTREME DEGENERACY so impressionable gentile girls fall for this utter fucking insanity
- St Augustine