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(Apologies in advance for the blogpost, but it is to inform the context of the one seeking guidance, as my life has been largely atypical in this regard.)

A few years into being redpilled now, making some improvements in my life, and I've been doing a lot of self reflection. Something that I've come to realize about myself is that I have been a hopeless romantic from a very young age. Barely ever experiencing a cooties phase, I've always been taken with the beauty of woman and have desperately wanted one to call my own. One to love, to protect, to give children.

However, I didn't have a good start in life in this regard. Though a part of me still loves him, my father was a low T, hedonistic deadbeat who was eventually henpecked to divorce by my mother. I unwittingly replicated his footfalls, becoming a video gaming recluse and developing a raging addiction to extremely bizarre pornography by the age of 13, a sorry state that would continue unabated all the way through adulthood. And even before this I was a shut in on account of being homeschooled.

As such, I have daunting social anxiety and virtually zero experience with women. On the few occasions throughout my life that I came within orbit of opportunities, I dropped the ball hard out of fear, and a gross misunderstanding of how to navigate female psychology (No Rizz.) The only girl I ever dated was a brown whore who almost certainly had a triple digit body count, an ill-fated affair that gracelessly fizzled out within a month.

In my life, this has left me bitter and blackpilled about my chances with women. The eternal crybaby, I would always moan about my misfortune to anyone who would listen, cursing that my fate was to die alone as though it had already come to pass. Indeed, some of this has even dribbled into posts I've made on this very forum.

Though I've long convinced myself of my own wallowing sentiments being plain objectivity, I understand now that it's all just been miserable coping to justify never even trying anymore. Well, after waking up to many truths previously obscured, and removing the fog from my eyes by destroying my worst vices, I have now decided to emphatically say:

Fuck that.

I am 25 years of age. Despite my mental inhibitions, I am reasonably attractive, in acceptable shape and coming from a line of tall, handsome White men. I have no debt, a decent career, and a snowballing nest egg that will very likely net me a paid off homestead by as early as age 30. It's too early in life, with too many blessings therein, to give up on my greatest desire, which is a noble thing for any man to strive for.

But in this endeavor, I need help. I am still a recluse without a network or any social rituals, and I understand that this likely must change. I am willing to try anything to further my goal, to put myself out there relentlessly, but I don't know where to start.

If my single minded objective is to find a woman, how should I be spending my time? Where should I go on weekends? What hobbies, social or otherwise, should I take up? In which areas of my life should I be most directly focusing my ongoing self improvement efforts? Are dating apps worth using as a secondary angle of attack? How does courting a girl in the 21st century actually work?

You get the picture. My spirit is willing, but I am the biggest autist in normietown, completely out of my depth in this endeavor even in the most cursory matters. Please give me the advice on finding a mate that my dad never did, ConPro.

If you read this, thank you and God bless.
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wankingisgay on
2 months ago 47 points (+0 / -0 / +47Score on mirror ) 1 child
First step is to never masturbate or watch porn again.
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 31 points (+0 / -0 / +31Score on mirror ) 2 children
Burying the porn addiction was a major factor in having this metanoia.
DMKultra on
2 months ago 23 points (+0 / -0 / +23Score on mirror )
metanoia is a severely under-utilized word
XBX_X on
2 months ago 21 points (+0 / -0 / +21Score on mirror ) 3 children
> Are dating apps worth using as a secondary angle of attack?

Stay the fuck away from "dating" apps. Women approach those apps with the mind of finding a man with a certain look, first and foremost, then money. But looks always fist and foremost. Everything else is irrelevant to them. They give 3-seconds before they're swiping onto the next dude looking for that look. A woman even made a "Chad" profile where "he" said that he was unemployed, on probation for CP, and had to register as an offender. "He" was still getting matches. She then brings it up in the chat, saying something like "So you're cool with my situation?" The women replied "yes" and still wanted to meet "Chad."

Women are literally shopping for a man on there like you shop for things on Amazon. You'll burn your money going on dates just to learn later that they're catfish, pregnant chicks, polygamists and other weirdos on there looking to exploit men. Plenty of horror stories floating around online. Apps are NOT where you go to find a wife, dude.
Time4aCrusade on
2 months ago 14 points (+0 / -0 / +14Score on mirror )
This 100%...also, with a dating app, you're signing yourself up to get in line in a meat market. That's not how you win at anything.
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PeterHann13 on
2 months ago 37 points (+0 / -0 / +37Score on mirror ) 5 children
The problem with most guys is where they try to meet girls… only to find that the places they go is where you’ll only meet whores and muds…

They’re not on the internet

They’re not at the bars

Put yourself in your ideal girl’s shoes. Where would she be? Church? The library? Volunteering?
Knight_Of_Saint_John on
2 months ago 28 points (+0 / -0 / +28Score on mirror ) 1 child
My ideal woman is probably welfare niggering at her parents house, never leaving the house except to throw the trash
PeterHann13 on
2 months ago 9 points (+0 / -0 / +9Score on mirror ) 3 children
Ah, to find the Lily among the thorns…

Maybe she goes to church on Sundays? Sits in the back with her parents
Knight_Of_Saint_John on
2 months ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 2 children
I have seen one in a church but that was in a classical music concert, anddd ahe was 10 years younger than me so... No can do chief 😔
PeterHann13 on
2 months ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 2 children
As long as she is like above the age of 23, you’re pretty golden

I think the “general rule of thumb” I’ve heard is half your age plus 7 years, so if you were 36, 25 is good to go. I think once girls hit 24-25, they’re fair game as long as you’re not pushing 20 years older
Knight_Of_Saint_John on
2 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
Well if she was 24/25 i would've went for it but she looked 19 so... Yeah..

Hopefully i'll have another opportunity but i'm skeptical, fortune has never been my forte...
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Parcival on
2 months ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror ) 2 children
If you saw a 55 and 45 year old together, would you seriously go "ew, gross, that age gap is huge!"?
rentfREEEE_since2016 on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Plot twist: OP is 18
Vulkanian on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
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KingSweyn on
2 months ago 8 points (+0 / -0 / +8Score on mirror ) 1 child
Grocery stores near colleges.

Standard icebreaker: Act like you're buying something for a female relative, and ask them for a woman's opinion on a product.
Or, drop the pretense and just ask them for their opinion on a product.
PeterHann13 on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
HomeGoods too
XBX_X on
2 months ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
# THIS ☝️
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MysteriousFedKnight on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Why does nobody american ever says the fucking park though.
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bobdole96 on
2 months ago 26 points (+0 / -0 / +26Score on mirror ) 7 children
I went the online dating route in 2016. She found me. Anyone I picked myself turned out to be a waste of time.

Could give it a's like fishing; don't expect to haul a lot and you'll likely have fun.

Biggest thing I did that everyone else thought was a bad idea: spoke honestly about myself amd what my goals were. Dumbcunts will self-filter.
NiggerWithAForklift on
2 months ago 22 points (+0 / -0 / +22Score on mirror ) 1 child
Being honest makes women like you more. If you truly want to be seductive, don't try to impress her. Say things that she might not like.
ImBillCurtis on
2 months ago 17 points (+0 / -0 / +17Score on mirror ) 2 children
Yep. And if she’s challenging you, you shut it down. Don’t belittle, just shut it down. “I don’t tolerate that.” .. “I’m not looking for argumentative women”… “ there enough of that. End of discussion.” Etc.

Being put in their place gets them wet.
ElectricSamurai on
2 months ago 7 points (+0 / -0 / +7Score on mirror ) 1 child
>Being put in their place gets them wet.

Quoting for truth and expanding on it because I struggled with it for a long time - women literally WANT to get put in their place, it's why they say such stupid outrageous shit most of the time. And they need to make sure you're not a pussy so they'll go at you hard, worst thing you can do in that situation is care or try to appease them, they'll respect you more (and ofc: wet) if you DON'T try to make them happy.

It all defies (male) logic and reason but by God it works, and it really works if you have even the slightest bit of frame.
Jeffersonian_Man on
2 months ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 2 children
The issue is most of the socially awkward dudes on here are gonna read this and start saying "shut up bitch you're beneath me."
BlackPillBot on
2 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
I just give them a good old Sean Connery.
DeplorableGerman on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Just go with the classic "I don't care" or "I don't tolerate that". Or the oldie goldie "N O."

Real kings don't have to insult their queens.
Ihatetheanti-Christ on
2 months ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror )
BlippiIsAPedo on
2 months ago 18 points (+0 / -0 / +18Score on mirror ) 2 children
Women love passionate men with direction. Doesnt matter what direction
Trasheconomy on
2 months ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
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Kopkot on
2 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 4 children
Definitely let the woman choose you. If no woman is choosing you, that's an issue.
XBX_X on
2 months ago 9 points (+0 / -0 / +9Score on mirror ) 2 children
That requires more caution. Plenty of desperate women out there who want to tie down a simp for money and prizes. Most women, even the "liberal" ones, still think that men should approach and chase them. So if a woman is knocking on your door, I'd be more skeptical.
Kopkot on
2 months ago 8 points (+0 / -0 / +8Score on mirror ) 1 child
Just because she chooses you doesn't mean you have to accept her advances. Its more like man shows off, woman shows attraction signal because she likes what she sees, man accepts and pursues her.
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JohnTorrington on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Lol simptalk.
Kopkot on
2 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
SIMPs chase women that aren't interested in you. When you do that she wont love you, be attracted to you, or stay loyal.
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Breadpilled on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 5 children
Nice, I've seen a couple people even here say they've had success going that route which is why I considered it.

Any advice for sites/apps to use, and how to use them successfully?
XBX_X on
2 months ago 13 points (+0 / -0 / +13Score on mirror ) 2 children
Dude, stop. Dating apps are a business. They'll show you fake profiles or "throttle" you profile (e.g. hide it from view) unless you pay. They don't make money from you if you match with the right person and quit the app. They're incentivized to keep you on the hook. "Dating" apps were designed using the same psychological manipulation as Instagram.

Don't you have a church or network of churches you can visit to find women?
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Kopkot on
2 months ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 1 child
Get good pictures taken. Be up front about who you are and what you're looking for. Be prepared to lower your expectations on physical looks. (Don't pick fatties but be okay with a less attractive looking woman).

Have values and stick with them. Don't focus so much on looks. And learn to talk to people. if you don't have a social hobby or job, volunteer somewhere that you constantly talk with people. For instance I work in the hospital and you can volunteer there and just talk to people stuck sick in their bed and lonely.
removed 2 months ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror )
bobdole96 on
2 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 4 children
If I had to try again, I'd consider Bumble (women window shopping for men) or Match (used back in 2016).

Free apps will give you garbage people. Pay if you want a more serious dating pool. Be honest with describing yourself and the type of person you're looking for.

Don't try too hard / force things. Sometimes less photos is better than faked / staged photos. If you wear glasses, make sure photos of you have the glasses (it's catnip for women, especially those looking for a more intelligent male).

Ultimately: be patient and manage expectations. I had a string of conversations / first dates that went nowhere. Only when my wife found me and started talking did online dating become fun - like fishing when it's time to reel in.

Also: beware of starting up a profile until after New Years...some just use apps to "have a relationship" for appearances during the holidays.
ImBillCurtis on
2 months ago 13 points (+0 / -0 / +13Score on mirror ) 1 child
Bumble is run by leftists for feminists.
The good news though is that you can mold them into something more tolerable.

The bad news is yeah… full of feminists
bobdole96 on
2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
I myself never tried, the notion of "window shopping" is interesting though. Any idea if there is a similar concept ran my semi-normal people?
ImBillCurtis on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Yeah. It’s called dating. And there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s a vetting process.

For these people that don’t understand the concept of “vetting” in relationships, enjoy family court and visitation.

caravanofdeath on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
I would avoid Bumble, for reasons already stated, but also because the "women shopping for men" bit really means women sending the first message saying "Hey" and then expecting you to reply with something that doesn't give them the ick. It's the same as any other app, just with women sending a formality message to begin the conversation, so feminists can tell themselves how they're taking the initiative...
bobdole96 on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
>feminists can tell themselves how they're taking the initiative

Modern problems ("OMG all men are rapists!!1!") sometimes require modern solutions (I'm "empowered" since some "creep" didn't just try to talk to me in public, like a stalker rapist!!1!).

All I know is I am happy I got out of dating a decade's not getting better.
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caravanofdeath on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Dating apps have a strong selection bias towards liberal women. The apps are also 90% men by userbase so the women on there will be pickier than they otherwise would be, for example rejecting anyone under 6ft by default even if they would be very happy dating someone 5'10 in real life. I don't think they are worth it, but if you do use them be honest. You will scare off the vast majority of women on the site but you're more likely to catch the fish you want. It's good to openly disqualify vaxxies and women who use social media as these are actual proxies for liberal views. I don't think filtering for religiosity is worth it as the vast majority of Christians are liberal mindslaves.

I think men make the mistake of trying to attract as many women as possible by making themselves into generic men.
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Lactose_supremacy on
2 months ago 21 points (+0 / -0 / +21Score on mirror ) 1 child
That homeschooling seems to have really fostered your writing skills, your username should be the articulate-autist.

Regarding women, these days it's nothing short of a blessing to receive a genuine wife. I used to pray all through childhood for a good wife whom God willed for me. Then in one period of my life when things were going well and I wasn't thinking about women she showed up and stuck around. Now almost a decade later we have an suv-full of children.

If you out constantly looking, trying to force something, odds are that it will not establish the foundation of a permanent marriage. Remain steadfast in your prayers asking God for a wife but seek, before that, to glorify the Lord. "Houses and wealth are inherited from parents but a prudent wife is from the Lord" Proverbs 19:14
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 15 points (+0 / -0 / +15Score on mirror ) 1 child
I've decided to start praying about it daily. May His will be done.
deleted 2 months ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 1 child
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
Thank you
Butttoucha9k on
2 months ago 19 points (+0 / -0 / +19Score on mirror ) 5 children
Stop looking.

When you are seeking to fulfill a need, you aren't looking for a partner. You are looking for a need to be filled. And guess what? Eventually you WILL find it, because someone out there will be looking to have a need filled as well. And it might even be great, for a little while.

What happens when their need changes? Or your does? Instantly the transactional relationship provides no more benefit, and one or both parties leave.

If you need to have someone else in your life to be content, you will never be able to provide contentedness to another. If you need to have someone else to"complete" you, then you are incomplete.

Focus on yourself. Realize that women are fully individual unique PEOPLE just like you or me or anyone else, with unique perspectives and outlooks and personalities, and treat them as such.

Get hobbies that get you outside with people. Hiking walking biking meet-ups group events etc. Don't do this to meet women. Do it because you need to. Then maybe it one day possibly leads to meeting a woman. Who cares. If that's the intention it will be impure and the woman won't be right.
Be4Redemption on
2 months ago 15 points (+0 / -0 / +15Score on mirror ) 3 children
Well said, though as a cerebral neurotic guy myself, I have a disagreement: the problem with telling autists/spergs to “focus on their self” is that that’s what we’ve been doing our whole lives (usually unwittingly), there’s only so many years you can “just learn to love yourself bro” until you’re 30 before you know it and still have no real friends or love interests and no one cares about you anymore.

With people on the spectrum or who are just kinda socially retarded, you’ll notice they have this underlying anxiety to every aspect of life, especially the most important and daunting parts like finding your career or life partner. They’ll “intentionally” put off dating or finding a life partner because they haven’t “improved” enough in some category, be it monetary or spiritual or what have you.

I’ve seen young autists online worry about postponing finding a new job because they got fired from their old one; like no one around them was there to tell them that employers don’t keep databases of your work history and you can just omit info or straight up lie on your resume to get the job like everyone else.

These people are broken and fragile because they’ve barely even experienced life their whole lives and their conditions make the easy parts much harder. The best thing you can tell a social retard is that he deserves people in his life, not out of entitlement, but out of a commitment to be one’s best self in the service of others and to take back the ideal life that was supposed to be his.
Butttoucha9k on
2 months ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
All of that is correct, and they aren't mutually exclusive. Not SEEKING a mate is not the same as REFUTING an opportunity. Don't be like "ew girls" ffs. Just don't have that as the driving factor
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
This whole post really resonated with me.
removed 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 12 points (+0 / -0 / +12Score on mirror ) 1 child
I definitely understand this sentiment. For someone like me, though, I've realized I do need to get at least a *little* bit proactive in opening myself up to opportunities, at least.

I'm comfortable enough in my own skin that I'll get by even without a life partner if it comes to that, but I would certainly like one. If I carry on exactly as I've been, a recluse who gets all the personal satisfaction he needs by staying cloistered away with his personal pursuits, then I know I will never encounter the chance.
Butttoucha9k on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 2 children
Thats where that personal growth comes in. You notice and accept that you have a reclusive issue that you would like to change.

That doesn't have to involved a woman or hopes for one. Cut out the desire and women will show up in droves.
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Good point. Thanks.
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JesusSupporter33 on
2 months ago 8 points (+0 / -0 / +8Score on mirror )
This is the advice I went with years ago and it got me absolutely nowhere romantically.

Definitely go hiking and shit.. But do it with the intend of finding chicks.

Only hike where there's women unless you want to get away and be alone. Or build a story to tell to women about how you braved it alone in cougar country. They're easily impressed. Otherwise you're just wasting time.
ImBillCurtis on
2 months ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 3 children
Sounds good but also pretty simpish.

Don’t treat women like unique people. They’re not. They’re the least unique organism on the planet. Theres a reason that a “plug and play” approach works more often than not. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with actively seeking out women in social environments. You have to be assertive because that’s what women do. Letting the woman seek you out dictates exactly how the relationship is going to go in the future: you’ll be a doormat.
XBX_X on
2 months ago 8 points (+0 / -0 / +8Score on mirror ) 1 child
> Don’t treat women like unique people. They’re not. They’re the least unique organism on the planet.

As a man with a few decades around the sun, I can say that you're mostly right. They're all (mostly) the same. A woman can never be your equal, because men and women are not equals. God made women as a companion to man. She's a luxury that you literally buy for yourself, like a bigger house or a nice car, all of which require constant expenses to keep (property taxes, fees) and keep in good order (maintenance, improvements).

All the men that I've known to have happy marriages never thought of their wives as their equals. Those men were leading their own lives and the wife was just along for the ride and the benefits he provided her. It was the guys who "loved" their wives and tried to be "equals" with them who ended up divorced. Women are like dogs. They NEED an alpha to lead them, otherwise they stray. That's their nature and it's not going to chage.
KingSweyn on
2 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
It is SO important to appreciate your perspective here because of cultural lies.

I would dial it back ~20% in practice, but men must never forget that each farm animal requires its own sort of animal husbandry, including human women. Otherwise, they will disrupt the function of your farm (or life) like a naughty dog.

If you acknowledge the humanity (or dignity) of animals, then understanding the similarities between women and livestock is not actually disrespect towards women.
Kopkot on
2 months ago 7 points (+0 / -0 / +7Score on mirror ) 1 child
A man just needs to be noticed by women. Women that like you will choose you. Pick the best woman you get chosen by. It's hard to get noticed but think of a peacock, they strut around showing off their value and attract a woman (plumage).

Very few good women with good values. But you will have trouble with a woman that didn't choose you.
removed 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Butttoucha9k on
2 months ago -5 points (+0 / -0 / -5Score on mirror ) 2 children
Simpish is seeking women out. Why are you wasting your time trying to capture some useless roastie prize when you could be happy being yourself and improving you and have THEM fucking flock. Women ARE UNIQUE. they are people. Just like you. You might be retarded, but you are uniquely retarded.
ImBillCurtis on
2 months ago 10 points (+0 / -0 / +10Score on mirror ) 1 child
Seeking out a wife is not simpish. Wasting resources on women that are not wife material is. Shits not hard.
Butttoucha9k on
2 months ago -6 points (+0 / -0 / -6Score on mirror ) 2 children
You don't waste anything on anyone. Seeking out a wife IS impish because you are seeking a need. Being yourself and not seeking anything out and if by chance a female who you actually enjoy AS A FRIEND comes along and you ACTUALLY LIKE HER then you have a real relationship. Everything else is just seeking and voidfilling
ImBillCurtis on
2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
“I’m starving to death but I’m just gonna sit here and wait for food to show up on my plate.”

Bold strategy, cotton.
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Tap_isarealboy on
2 months ago 12 points (+0 / -0 / +12Score on mirror ) 2 children
I can empathize with you.

Social awkwardness can be eliminated by forcing yourself into social situations. I knew a guy who had a sales company with his dad. He started working at a restaurant as a server for social engagement skills.

He already had some rizz and after a year he had the confidence of Achilles and charisma such that people came in to request to be in his section.

He already had a leg up on you but working as a server forces you to to engage. You also work around women.

asdfik on
2 months ago 16 points (+0 / -0 / +16Score on mirror ) 1 child
> rizz

BlackPillBot on
2 months ago 8 points (+0 / -0 / +8Score on mirror )
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GoldenInnosStatue on
2 months ago 11 points (+0 / -0 / +11Score on mirror )
This was a refreshing modest & honest question, i shall assist thee in your mission.
Toujours2 on
2 months ago 11 points (+0 / -0 / +11Score on mirror ) 1 child
Also, you’re good at writing (thank your homeschooling) which makes me think you could be reasonably funny. It’s easier to be funny in writing. Make your online dating profile a tiny bit funny (humor is broken down into replies of either surprise or emphasis—women mostly do emphasis, focus on surprise…ie unexpected associations). Women love humor.
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
I have some ideas
LilyVargas on
2 months ago 9 points (+0 / -0 / +9Score on mirror ) 4 children
A good way to find women is a good match maker. So don't just think "where will my future wife be hanging out?" Consider where does her mother or grandmother hang out? Try the volunteering at the hospital, old folks home, the op shop, country/football club. Find where the mothers and grandmothers of your future wife are and let them all know you are looking for a wife and they will throw women at you in hopes of a great/grandchild. Yes they will amp up duds as perfect as much as they will the real thing but it's got to be better then most dating apps. The mothers and grandmothers of the world know where all the single, childless women are and desperately wanting them to be married with kids so they are on your side if you only ask. Let them pester the women into giving you a chance.

 >25 years of age. Despite my mental inhibitions, I am reasonably attractive, in acceptable shape and coming from a line of tall, handsome White men. I have no debt, a decent career, and a snowballing nest egg that will very likely net me a paid off homestead by as early as age 30

You sound amazing to a matchmaker and before you even meet the young ladies their matriarch will pave over the stuff that the young women might be put off by.
Time4aCrusade on
2 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
This is a pretty friggin good idea right here!
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
Clever idea. Old ladies have always loved me 😆
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Germany on
2 months ago 8 points (+0 / -0 / +8Score on mirror ) 2 children
Chasing women only made me miserable.

Just be you and trust God.
BlackPillBot on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
It’s no different than other consumptions we all bitch about. It’s actually worse, because you’ll likely end up with nothing for your time, energy, and money spent.
removed 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
throwawayjacks on
2 months ago 8 points (+0 / -0 / +8Score on mirror ) 2 children
Be honest and upfront about what you want from the get-go. Me and my husband met online and were friends a couple months before we started dating. He and I were genuine and honest with each other, and it instilled trust in me that he wasn't just messing around, and we both knew we wanted to get married right away. If she's playing around within the first couple of dates/months of getting to know each other, then she's not wife material. Us women who want to be wives will be up front and actively seeking it. I would join a church and try and participate as much as possible in the extracurricular activities. Build yourself up in a community and make friends with people that are like-minded and you will find somebody that's worth your time.
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Thanks for the advice, I am definitely planning to be very blunt about what I'm after, cut to the chase and whatnot.

Would you say there is any value in churchgoing if you do not practice religion? I've kicked around the idea heavily for a while now but don't know how I would actually go about it. They probably aren't used to getting comfortably non-religious regulars who just want to participate in the rituals and fraternize.
MemoryLapse on
2 months ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 1 child
If you aren't religious, don't look for women who are looking for religious men. I promise you; you won't be able to fake it for long and besides, how would you feel if a woman tricked you about some core aspect of her personality?

There's a parable in the Bible that talks about "the man who built his house on rock vs the man who built his house on sand". It may be easier to stick a foundation into sand, but when the storm comes, you'll be glad you spent the time to build a foundation on rock. Lies are like sand; they are poisonous to relationships over the long term.

That being said, churches are always welcoming people who want to know more about God. How else do you think congregations grow? Who knows, maybe the Holy Spirit will move in you too and you will become that Man of God?
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
My dad faked Christianity to be with my mom, so I've definitely seen the fruit of that pretending, and don't intend to replicate it.

If I were to meet a religious woman, especially if she were only nominally religious, I wouldn't hide my own spiritual perspective and would instead see if I could sway her to it over time.

But if I encountered a crucifix-wearing, rosary-reciting lass whose ideal man is a human Psalter, I probably wouldn't bother.

> That being said, churches are always welcoming people who want to know more about God. How else do you think congregations grow? Who knows, maybe the Holy Spirit will move in you too and you will become that Man of God?

Been there, done that. I was raised Christian and sincerely tried to reconvert multiple times post redpill, but it just doesn't work for me. I believe certainly in God, but religion is a hustle. Of all the times in my life that I've experienced something that made me sure of the existence of the divine, it has never been within the four walls of a church building.

I have no problem with Christians insofar as they reject the kiked aspects of their faith, but institutional Christianity is dead. Participation in it serves no purpose but to pick the bones as I'm considering, unless you are already very religious and want to "take back" the institutions, which is about as feasible for a man as taking back the media or the government at this point.
removed 2 months ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror )
Hoobeejoo on
2 months ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 1 child
If I knew the answer to that question, I wouldn't be a bachelor. I've been trying for 30 years.
BlackPillBot on
2 months ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 2 children
It fucking blows, and I know my name is what it is, but the reality I’ve experienced, and seen from most of my friends and family, is that women in general, especially the mOOdern iterations, are overall miserable, and hate to see others happy. If you talk to many married men on the side enough, they either can’t help but hide it, or they straight up tell you it’s miserable, and they’re either sticking around for the children, and/or don’t want to be divorced raped.
Hoobeejoo on
2 months ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 1 child
>If you talk to many married men on the side enough, they either can’t help but hide it, or they straight up tell you it’s miserable,

Yeah. Every married guy I know feels that way except for two. My two best friends that I've known for almost 40 years have been married for 26 and 21 years respectively. They are the only ones that aren't miserable actually are happy. (I can tell. I would know if they weren't) And admittedly, their women are pretty damn fine people. So it doesn't surprise me that they are happy. That's two out of many, many guys. The ods are t good.
BlackPillBot on
2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
deleted 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
removed 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Wolframposting on
2 months ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 1 child
Most of your post describes my own experience. I haven't found a woman either but I have things to say:

Do you have any male friends to begin with? I know it's hard to find anyone who will truly get you but there are still things to be learned from other.

I'm 21 and I'm in a similar position, the closest thing to any real friends are my coworkers by this point. I don't spent that much time with them but they're the only people who encourage me to find a woman. They're all men, a few of them are in their twenties but slightly older than me.

At first glance, I didn't consider them to be "romantic" who could understand me. But once I look past the way they talk about women, I notice that I relate a lot more than I would've thought.

I think pretty much every man had the same millions different dreams about women but they eventually have to pick one of them in real life, and sometimes they settle for what they can.

A good social circle of male friends would help you finding a woman. So my advice is that you shouldn't dismiss men that could help you just because you assume they wouldn't get your idea of love.
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
I am in a racist Christian online D&D group, but otherwise have no friends, don't think I have since circa 2018.

Tbh finding healthy male relationships is also something that I think would be good, but also its own can of worms with me not knowing how to go about it. As it stands, I am an authentic recluse. My job is 100% work alone, so I've become very used to nearly every waking moment being just me and my thoughts.

I've really wanted to take up a martial art again which would probably be a good avenue, but I've got a bad back and tendonitis in multiple places that already made me wash out of boxing once. Haven't been able to think of something else yet.
deleted 2 months ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
steele2 on
2 months ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
This is some advice I posted last week for another NatSoc user:

My advice for dating: be ruthless and NEVER allow any opportunity to be missed. Always carry a pen and paper. Always dress like you're going on a date, even if it's just to go grocery shopping.

If the cashiers looks cute then spark a conversation. If it's a Friday then ask if she's got plans for the weekend. She'll let you know if she's not interested. If she says something about being alone (single) or mentions her dog or going for a walk or going to the cinema then be ready to find a way to ask her out to do that together. "My dog loves the dog park on Porter Road. Have you been there? Perhaps we could go together?". (That sort of thing) Then write your phone number on a piece of paper, hand it to her and see if she calls.

Take any rejection as a wonderful attempt to take a risk where you've got nothing to lose. An opportunity you made every effort to take advantage of without regret.

Don't be scared about seeing that person again if she doesn't call. Just be confident and smile at her like she's an old friend, the awkwardness will be over and you'll never need to worry again... but be nice because she might have just lost your number and she might be shy.

And if you get a date, make sure you apartment is clean and your bed is made with clean sheets beforehand. Also trim your pubes.

The worst thing you can do on a date is not be yourself. You want to present yourself positively, but if you feel awkward about something then say so. If you have a phobia or a weakness then say so.

If you can't just chill out together and have fun without being extravagant - that's a red flag because it means she's shallow and more interested in being entertained than she is in you. If she's not interested in who you really are than it's better to discover than sooner rather than later.

Additional: Here's a few tricks I used to pull in my younger years: Organize a date that is intended to not go to plan so you can see how she reacts to not getting what she wants. Something as small as showing up to a popular restaurant without a booking and pretend that you made one or visiting a lookout or a winery that you know is closed.

Her reaction will inform you about how she responds to minor inconveniences and if she is more interested in being entertained and indulged than being with you. If she stresses out over a minor setback on a date, then she's likely a judgemental bitch pretending to be nice. If you end up just going with the flow and getting some take away or going for a walk by the lake and you both still laugh and have a great time then she's sincerely into you and wants you.
You_Are_Based on
2 months ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror ) 1 child
All I can day is dont waste your limited time orbiting some girl who is keeping you in her back pocket for a rainy day. When you get into it, be straightforward with them about what you want, and dont hover aeound if they dont respond affirmatively to that.
removed 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
You_Are_Based on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
The banned comment here says "even getting in position to orbit a woman who isn't interested so you can wait to pounce on opportunity is a process that can take years of work."

I disagree. It starts instantly after rejection and LASTS for year of work.
Captain_Raamsley on
2 months ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror ) 3 children
I have every problem you have except the low T dad or anxiety problem. I don't know what to tell you other than you are more attractive to women than you think.

Women want to be taken, that is their biological imperative. The state of being taken by a man (not just sexually but in general) is a sort of self-fulfilling prophesy which basically guarantees their acceptance of you. Problem is, we are socially more complex than wolves or elk, so we can't just force ourselves sexually upon a woman of our choosing.

There are a few things I've noticed are good steps to take in pursuit of a woman

1. Displaying attraction very early. This is different from displaying intentions. You intend to make the woman your wife, but you dont offer a ring the moment you see her. The first thing you intend to do is make her your woman, your girlfriend. So make sure she knows you are attracted to her very early on. The easiest way to do this is to tell her she's cute or hot to her face. If she rejects you rudely (which won't happen) then you really don't want her anyways because she is a person who will make you sad throughout life.

2. Make sure there is regular contact between you two, but do not escalate the intensity of your signals of attraction untill she reciprocates. From now on she is eternally simply "cute" or "hot" until she gives something back. Do not signal more than once per day, or even less if you meet multiple days in a row.

3. Get alone time with the girl, and ensure that you are the leader during this time. Give her verbal and physical directions that are easy to follow. For instance, open your passenger car door and say "hop in" ("get in" sounds like a threat lol, and on that note you never use language that sounds like a threat until she is your wife, until then only provide offers or ultimatums). Ensure that you are the provider when you are alone with her. If something rediculous is about to happen, it's fine to say that you can't afford something. This is you commanding control of the situation. You don't have infinite resources (no man does) and if she can't respect that reality and change, it's her loss.

4. People often say that there is a "touch barrier". But this doesn't actually exist. The only barrier is your confidence. If you're a retarded simp cuck, you'll never touch a woman for any reason whatsoever. If your a normal person, whoch you are, you can gently put your hand on someone's shoulder in a social setting to get their attention. Best case scenario you get to guide her through a crowd by gently placing your hand on her back. The difference between this and handholding is that handholding is a much more conscious form of submission which the average playful female mind will not want to provide unless you're a dangerous man ("pump and dump" scenario)

5. There is a difference between a woman who declares her submission to her husband in a public ritual (social wedding parties) versus a woman who declares her submission to a new and exciting man which she has no logical reason to believe will provide for her. Any woman who offers yourself or another man sex before marriage has nothing else to offer. Keep in mind that no man has married what is essentially a hole, because they have nothing to offer. This is also why you can't turn a whore into a wife: her brain is permanently broken and has no logical basis on which to operate in society. Even stories where God intervenes, He turns them into NUNS, not WIVES. These women will never have any desire to have a stable and secure relationship to raise a family in. Their end result of their biological imperative is to be wiped from the genepool, same as trannies (no matter how much of this behavior is induced by our degenerated SOYciety)
deleted 2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
removed 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
BlackPillBot on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Pretty good post, and I tend to agree with most of it.
pepesp on
2 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 2 children
:) You're young enough to shape yourself into a worthwhile man. I don't recommend "shopping around" for a woman. Finding your other purpose in life and taking charge of your mission will make you incredibly attractive to the appropiate woman for you.
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 2 children
I hear this for sure. My issue is that while I have a clear enough picture of the path I'm on in terms of what I'm trying to achieve, it doesn't force me into contact with other people. If I want a woman, I need to reshape myself a bit.
Kopkot on
2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
Volunteer at a hospital or some other social heavy environment. Or get a job as a transporter part time. You basically go around the hospital moving patients around and meeting all the different employees. It pays low but its walking exercise and socializing.
pepesp on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
I also want to recommend a book that can offer some insight on how women are so different from men and how to navigate this. It's called The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida. It has some new age stuff in there you can ignore.
removed 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
JohnTorrington on
2 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
You probably won't find a good woman. Most men these days won't just accept it and act accordingly.

if you still want a family just don't expect that nonsense "love" many idiots think exists.
JesusSupporter33 on
2 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
Simply put.. You have to find women. Once you find them it's just a numbers game. That's it.

You're probably not going to simply walk into a church one day and find the girl of your dreams. You're going to have to go to literally every church, spark up conversations and see where there is a potential mate. Same thing with bars. Same thing with various clubs. Once you figure out where the potential is you have to continue to attend.

Being a recognized face is a big part of building a friendship. Start off just saying hello to people. Eventually whoever you're greeting will start to recognize you and open up more, especially if you're both shy. If you're good at talking then sometimes you can spark up friendships immediately. Appear friendly. People, especially women, these days are cowards and get easily scared by tough asses.. but even if you're naturally a tough ass like me they'll still eventually accept you as being a common person in their lives and open up to you.

Don't look too hard into POA shit. It's counter productive. Not every women will give you fuck me eyes. Not every one will touch her ear, bite her lip, talk high pitched or other "tells." They only do that if they are trying to be obvious and whoreish. If she isn't putting on a passive gtf away from me attitude, you're good so keep __LISTENING__ TO HER BABBLE ABOUT RETARDED CRAP. Just provoke them to talk and they'll babble about the stupidest shit. The big key is weathering the storm. Eventually she'll have gone on for so long she'll like you in some capacity.

Step one is getting over caring about what people think of you. Literally drop that RIGHT NOW or you're fucked.
removed 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
colinoscopy on
2 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
Church is a good place, where I found my wife, but it isn't a surething. The problem in many churches, mine included, in this regard is they don't have a healthy young population, guess that can also be a benefit as there is also less competition. Thing to be aware of however that any relatively attractive chick over 25 thats going to church and is also single, odds are has plenty of baggage that will likely be a deal breaker
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
It sounds like church is in fact not a good place in light of this information 😂

Delon on
2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
step 1 be attractive

step 2 don't be unattractive

step 3 have strong morals that you do not budge on

step 4 find a woman that either shares your morals or that you can help teach
BlackPillBot on
2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
“If my single minded objective is to find a woman”


Go with God fren.
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
deleted 2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
DeplorableGerman on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child

 But how do you show interest without giving her attention. That's one point i never understood and that's never really been explained to me satisfactorily.
deleted 2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
derkevevin on
2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
I think if you ***looksmaxx***, your clumsy autism will just be "cute" lol.
Time4aCrusade on
2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
Here's one thing to try, on the social-front: Either in your current gym or in a new gym, ask about an adult fitness class. Most any class will do. Attend that a few nights a week. Here's the scoop. You aren't looking to date ANYONE in that class. I want to be clear on that...don't date people you'll see regularly. Instead, just attend for a few weeks and get to know the folks in the classes.

People in gym classes are typically hilarious, and the women are often older than what you're after. That's ok. Once they get to know you, and know that you can take a joke, they'll start in on you. That's a great thing! From there, you can jokingly work in (when appropriate!) that you're single. If they ask, just ask if they know anyone in town. You'd be surprised. The whole friend-of-a-friend thing works wonders.

If nothing comes from it, you'll get in even better shape and meet some new people. It's a win-win.
kensai on
2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
If you want that ideal woman instead of settling you have to do a few things.

1. No porn but I think you got this
2. Looks max, grooming + gym + diet, but don't be a meme if you're not trained up this is a multi year never ending always expanding goal that you will strive for your whole life, being stronger.
3. Don't immediately get on dating apps, they will just demoralize you I guarantee it.
4. Have a fun hobby women will like, lean to play an instrument, etc.
5. After a year of the above you can now in a better mindframe enter the dating world. Up until this point just look for opportunities where your look of interest is reciprocated.

#5 Is incredibly important. Once you start to do 1 through 4 your mental state will change over a year or two tremendously. You will see yourself as higher value as a fact, not some fugazi emotion you have to convince yourself and will act accordingly.

In the meantime, try to just have conversations with attractive women without any plan to ask them out at all. Just small talk. Get good at it. Because if you can talk to a woman without telegraphic interest is how you can demonstrate high value. Plus it will be so easy, no fear of rejection because you're not polarizing her to either side and just making small talk. Because without being able to just talk to someone for a while like a normal person that's done that before, especially someone you find incredibly attractive, you can looks max and train until you're blue in the face it still won't get you anywhere.
removed 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
downtheslipperyslope on
2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
I made a quick guide if you are interested with how to approach. It might be helpful for you in getting a girl.
Trasheconomy on
2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
Completely unironic advice: spend some time on or
People might shit on these but they are as close as you’re going to get to a mixed-sex online space with people your age who are anti-liberal. It is a free for all in the comments and posts. You can train yourself to understand what social patterns work for you and which don’t. I’ve gotten women’s phone numbers through these subreddits and had lots of meetups.

While I didn’t actually meet my wife through any of that, it can help you as a terminally online no rizz guy to maybe rewire you’re me brain to actually be interesting, confident, and not off putting to women.

Please don’t dismiss my advice, I personally wish I’d come across them earlier and have had quite a bit of fun on them since.
Cazarosta on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Red Scare is a podcast hosted by @annakhachiyan

She is of Armenian, Russian and Ashkenazi Jewish descent.

but why direct him towards a subreddit about a jewish podcast hostess?
Trasheconomy on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
The subreddit has very little to do with the podcast. It’s an interesting place of mixed sex anti liberal people of eclectic interests and backgrounds. Very good forum.
BlackPillBot on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
I, genuinely curious. How anti liberal?
Trasheconomy on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
As anti liberal as you want to be. The point is that it’s a free for all. If I could boil it down, the whole vibe is *it doesn’t matter what you say, just how cool you are saying it*. It’s why I encourage our friend here to check it out. It really lets you cut your teeth with people. Women, schizos, fags, incels, tech bros, troons, nazis, addicts, saved. You can say anything there, be anything there. You just have to be cool
BlackPillBot on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
I might check it out on a throwaway one day when I get bored. Thanks for the information.
deleted 2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
Fudgiethewhale on
2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
Go to a church. Ask a girl her name. Ask her to marry you.

But in all seriousness, I would say try to stick to trad circles i.e. church, homesteading groups/farmers markets (a lot of libs here, so be careful), any sort of volunteer work with a Christian organization…

My husband and I met in youth group and gradually became more based together. Find a generally conservative girl and you’ll be fine. If she wants to be trad, she’ll submit to your worldviews relatively easily.

I know a couple who are probably more based than my husband and I are and they met on Hinge. It’s possible, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

Remember that women love to be heard but they also like to be put in their place (unless they’re a verified boss babe™️. But you stay clear of those anyway)

The more you talk to women, the more comfortable you’ll become with it. Start with little things like small talk with baristas or cashiers or waitresses, ask them how their day is going, ask them about recommendations, let them know you appreciate them. Women really appreciate the effort, I know I always appreciated shooting the shit with customers when I was in retail.

Remember not to be super autistic around them, although some women might find that weirdly charming. Overall, just don’t be creepy, do *not* touch them, don’t give weird compliments (there’s a way to tell a woman she’s lovely without coming off as a creep i.e. you find her personable, polite, sweet. Very rarely should you compliment a stranger’s appearance. It almost always comes off as creepy)

I’ve rambled for enough now. I hope this is somewhat helpful.
HyperboreanDNA on
2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
My background: 36yo, I've had two serious LTRs. I was a leftist somewhat on the fence starting out in life and into university. I only saw the truth of things beginning in my late twenties. I'm White, I'm fit, I'm nearly 6', I make $150k/yr, educated, great job, live in a mostly White city. I've lived in nearly 10 different cities in my life. My parents divorced. I was atheist/anti-theist growing up but now I believe in God.

My advice: stop looking for a wife. Women don't want a man whose life is that he wants a woman. Women want to tag along with a man whose life is based on something other than women. Women can detect when you're seeking a woman specifically and they don't like it. They see that as needy and it puts too much pressure on the woman which is the last thing any woman wants.

Focus on living your life which means doing something other than being on the internet. Try to get out of your house as much as possible. Sign up for some beer league sports league, mixed if possible too just to meet people. Go to a church and stay dedicated. Looks for some social groups or not for profit organizations you can join as well and stay active. Try to stay busy every day of the week being out of the house in some sort of group activity with other people. Make friends and stay connected with people. Again, don't try to hit on the women too much or focus on the women at all. Just meet people and build some connections.

Do this for about 2 years and you'll start to run into women in social settings. Just be yourself, flirt, be funny, show some interest but don't overly pursue women. Women select the men not the other way around. You need to just put yourself out there, present yourself well and then just wait. If you're constantly putting yourself out there and a single woman wants to be your wife, she'll find you.

Specific sports suggestions: try a volleyball team, beach volleyball, curling, football (soccer), baseball, skiing, tennis, etc... your city will have something. Look into it.

Church: You'll know better than me. Just find a decent 1 and stick to it.

Social clubs: try a rotary club to start or something like that. Search online for some sort of "service club" in your area.

Don't worry too much about solo "hobbies" or reading. No one truly cares about that. Your goal is to get out where other people are and build connections, that's all.

Obviously, hit the gym too.
KingSweyn on
2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
I'll keep this short.

I had some luck with an app called whisper, allegedly for sharing secrets but honestly for local anonymous chat. With local chat comes hookup attempts.

Since you lead with words, it's good practice for talking to women. Since they lead with words, you're going to encounter the fat and ugly. This is better. You're not going to miss out on the girl of your dreams. Just practice. Only the prettiest women think differently from other women. If you can make a woman ready to fuck you before she's seen your face, you're ready to talk to real women.

In fact you should treat every woman like a fat girl - if she blows you off, big fucking deal. When dating, DATE MULTIPLE WOMEN. This way you will raise your appeal with all of them, and you rob them of the power of rejection. Be real, what employer only accepts one applicant at a time? But don't have multiple girlfriends. Ok? I'm not suggesting two-timing. But if you're committed to no one, make sure you act like it.

A difficult but highly effective approach is to join a group of men and gain their respect, then take the group to a setting for hitting on women. Women LOVE a guy who's respected by his friends.

Women also love a creator. If your hobby is painting, writing, cooking, building stuff, pottery, or playing an instrument, she's into it.

The most important factor is "female preselection". Show her that other women wanted you recently. **From now on, until you're dating two women, you broke up with your girlfriend today, December 10th.** She moved an hour away in November and cheated on you, and you're still hurting but ready to try again. Once you've dated two women at the same time, tell the truth. Women NEED to know other women find you passable
BlackPillBot on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
OMG, I’ve never heard of this, but it sounds like a blast, free entertainment, and a crazy shirt show waiting to happen all at the same time. Just curious, but do you ever find out what they look like? Ever found out you’re talking to a nigger?!? 🤣
Knight_Of_Saint_John on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Go to the Tradwife store, duh!
deleted 2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Vlad_The_Impaler on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 2 children
Marriage is a bad contract for men to enter into.
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 3 children
Believe me, I'm well aware of this, but if everyone became too scared to marry anymore, we'd go extinct. MGTOW shit. That's exactly why they've turned it into such a perilous affair. Even still, someone's gotta take a chance.

As for any woman I might be seriously considering marrying, I would sit her down and make her understand in no uncertain terms that I will not tolerate divorce rape. If she decides to turn me into a man with nothing left to lose, then the course of action I take next will reflect that. Neither of us will be simply walking off into the sunset to live happily ever after (let the reader understand.)

Ideally, the severity of this implication would make for an effective final stage of vetting a woman's character. The gold digger putting on a good performance will get cold feet once she realizes she won't be able to spend hubby's divorce money in Minecraft, and the woman of good character will be undeterred by the potential danger because she truly does desire to commit, rendering it inert.
Vlad_The_Impaler on
2 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 2 children
Just had a friend get hosed in a divorce. He thought he found the one, was having kids, starting a family, all that. She cheated on him took the house took the kids takes a few grand every month in alimony and child support.

He's basically an indentured servant now to an ex-wife who some other guy gets to fuck in his old house that he still pays for.

Sometimes being single isn't all that bad when you see the damage women have done to some guys who thought they found the one.

Divorce is an easy out for women. They don't need a reason. Society no longer shames them. Now they are single mom heroes. They get a huge check every month probably more than they'd get if still married. They get to keep the house, keep the kids, and swap the guy out for another one who doesn't have to be a provider, which opens up more opportunities and now qualifies more men.

I know women who have done this and are shameless about it. They justify it in their own minds. "Oh he was verbally abusive towards me." "Oh he was so insecure and controlling." "He drank too much" blah blah
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 1 child
This doesn't address anything I said. Again, if every White person took this advice, then there would be no more White people.

I reject antinatalism in both its direct and indirect forms.
BlackPillBot on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
What does procreation have to do with marriage under the governments Jewish fist fren?
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Is this a "forget monogamy, just fuck a bunch of White women to make as many kids as possible" angle?

Because I'm not for that, either. If you spawn a bunch of kids into broken homes, then it is overwhelmingly likely that they will all perish to ZOG. Whites are not an r-selected species.

But if you mean monogamy without marriage, no point. She can still go after you and gov will consider you married if you lived together long term and especially if you had kids together. Take the plunge with both feet in or not at all.
removed 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
rattleS on
2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
>Believe me, I'm well aware of this, but if everyone became too scared to marry anymore, we'd go extinct. MGTOW shit. That's exactly why they've turned it into such a perilous affair. Even still, someone's gotta take a chance.

You got it backwards. MGTOW is a backlash against the "perilous affair" that came from feminism and (((subversion))) in general. Many of them men pretending to be in a traditional marriage are slaves to their wives, you can't have gender equality, it always swings to one side or the other. The west is the land of the simps, where men try to improve their looks, their income and their behavior to please women while women treat men like garbage. And these simps have the guts to try to shame men who don't play their stupid game.
removed 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
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Crockett on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 2 children
You are probably not as socially awkward as you think you are. Generally speaking, people are more critical of themselves and feel more awkwardness than other people actually perceive.

Unless you are genuinely autistically unable to read other people's emotions to some degree (which I doubt you are) or too stupid to understand how others might think (which I already know you are not), then you're definitely not as bad as you think you are. You can always improve, and the main way to do so is practice and experience. There are some tips you can find, but honestly they don't help until you practice anyway.

Also, as you mature (and it sounds like you've done a lot of maturing already) you will naturally become less awkward, but it is easy to be stuck in an outdated self-conception as an awkward person if you were shy/isolated when you were younger. Don't let that false self image halt your attempts at charm before you begin.

JesusSupporter33 on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child

I'm half retarded but I still manage alright.
BlackPillBot on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
That’s only because the worlds gotten more retarded. 😁
removed 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
FJGtruppe on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Get out, get hobbies, get friends, get girls.

Since you are a man, you actually have the upper ground when I comes to dating when it comes to the long game. Improve yourself, hone your skills, get a career. Women will come naturally then. There is no rush, just keep improving yourself.

I remember my younger years, I was awkward as fuck and felt like I fumbled through girls. Then I just stopped giving a fuck and developed my own charisma since I work in a field where I'm always talking to people.

Key is not to rush and definitely don't settle in anything. Improve yourself, find a girl that is worth your time, marry her, have children, and strengthen the 14 words.
removed 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Needmorepopcorn on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Did you find a wife?
deleted 2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
deleted 2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
DeplorableGerman on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Asian women, and Vietnamese in particular, love men who are motivated workers. Or so i've been told :^)
Tombstone2W on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
A lot of good advice here, especially church and accepting Jesus.

One thing I'll add is often times you'll need to be run through a filter before finding a quality wife. Make quality friends and social connections. These people are going to vet you. If you're up to their standards they will introduce to someone they believe aligns with your values. This takes out a lot of the drudgery of putting yourself out there and constant rejection. Plus you're gaining value in relationships and those relationships are putting in work for you by helping find a woman that will be quality beyond anything you'd find in the wild.
bluewhiteandred on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
My philosophy on this is, people have to find someone like them. Almost everyone could be incompatible and that doesn't matter, they just need to find one person.

Another comment got at this issue: if someone was a Christian virgin for example, they're looking for a Christian virgin like them, they're not looking for this person in a brothel filled with non-Christian non-virgins.

The problem is one of socialization as there are a lack of public spaces people are commonly going to besides work and school and home. A longer term strategy for society is there need to be more IRL groups and places to meet, that people go to regularly. Or else also a robust reconfiguration of things like online dating.

As it stands, you just meet people at existing public places. But I noticed I often felt uncomfortable approaching certain random people, and my conclusion is that's because I probably don't get along with most people anyway and was thinking of approaching the wrong people. If I saw the right person who looked approachable I would probably be ok to approach them.

In some "MGTOW" discussions it seemed to come up that there actually isn't someone for everyone today; middle class and above have good chances of marrying and staying married. It's not clear why but working class people have a fragmented culture where marriages don't happen or last as much, so if a person is working class they should not beat themselves up if they simply can't find someone or if their relationship failed, as it's part of a broader socioeconomic problem:

Having good relationships in general is important regardless if one has a spouse or not, like friends and family.
Breadpilled on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
> The problem is one of socialization as there are a lack of public spaces people are commonly going to besides work and school and home.

You are really on the money with this.

Every time I've ever been in a situation where I attracted a member of the opposite sex, it was a natural culmination of developing rapport within a social function we both regularly attended over a long period of time. School and work in almost all instances.

As an adult working full time in a non-social career, it's like, what the heck do you even do? I found even individual university classes (such as foreign language) don't fit with my schedule. Volunteer options, same deal.

This actually did drive me to take up religion again and started regularly attending church. Admittedly, I didn't do it *just* to boost the chances of finding a wife, but in that regard I assessed it to be virtually the *only* good option in my position for seeking out meaningful community, and having some sort of filter on said community for discouraging open degenerates among its ranks.
PillarOfWisdom on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
To find a good woman, I think you have two options. Option one is to go to a church and get involved. Getting involved means volunteering for an outreach program or helping the poor through the church, or something like that.

Option two is to have someone who knows you set you up with somebody. Obviously, that is a gamble because some people want to set up their friends who are charity cases. The trick to getting set up is to make sure they set you up with the type of person you specify. In other words, be specific and tell them that you’re not going to negotiate. For me, there is absolutely no way I would be set up with a heavy girl. The reason being is that she does not respect herself enough to lose the weight or she doesn’t have the self discipline. That’s what I mean when I say be specific.

It really matters when it comes to the type of friend that you ask to set you up. If they have moron friends, they will set you up with one of their moron, friends. You wanna contact your friends that you have the most in common with.

It honestly sounds like your best chance would be in church. Thanks for putting yourself out there and explaining everything that you have gone through. It will serve as a lesson for others into the future.
Breadpilled on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
Thanks for replying.

I am actually on my third week of going to a church right now despite initially thinking I wouldn't go that route. I struggle with really getting "into" the dogmatic religiosity, sitting out the eucharist and whatnot, but I've been trying to come out of my shell and engage as much as I can stand on a practical, human level. I haven't delved into all the ways I can get "involved" yet, but I did go in on the weekend to help them take down their Christmas decorations.

It's like 90% old people there, but I guess that just means I'm combining the church advice with the advice of the other user who said to cozy up to grandmas who can play matchmaker with their granddaughters. 😂 But it is in the middle of a university district, and so I've heard young people do blow in from time to time...
PillarOfWisdom on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
You may want to visit a denominational church that is a little younger. While older folks are good at matchmaking, they may try to set you up with their sweet granddaughter who is a 400 pound sweathog with tattoos. Being in a college town, there has to be something like that nearby. That could be something you could bring up if you meet a gal in a store..."Where do you go to church?" That sets the tone right away that you're not some dipshit going out to bars and you're a church-going fella.

There are a lot of churches out there that are fun and play music that doesn't sound funereal and feels like more of a concert. There are an absolute ton of nice like your ladies who go to my church by themselves. It's unreal.

It sounds like you're doing everything right. At this point, it's a good idea to focus on yourself and get into the Bible. You can start in Proverbs and read a chapter a day...there are 30 chapters and they're all fairly short. It's just wisdom after wisdom. Awesome stuff. From there, read John in the New Testament and then The Acts. Great read. I've really been getting into Proverbs and am really enjoying it.

Keep us posted brother.
Breadpilled on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
> There are a lot of churches out there that are fun and play music that doesn't sound funereal and feels like more of a concert. There are an absolute ton of nice like your ladies who go to my church by themselves. It's unreal.

Funny enough, I sought out the church I did (confessional Lutheran) specifically for the high church atmosphere. I find it a lot easier to stomach than the rock concert liturgy often found in non denominational and the like, which I was raised in. And insofar as I do take Christian dogma seriously, I personally think Lutherans have the best theology. Kinda helps that virtually all the based Christians in public discourse seem to be Lutherans.

Definitely don't doubt that you're right about demographics (my mom still goes to that style of church you describe and I see more young people there,) but my gut says to stick it out for now at least. One college-aged girl in the congregation recently announced their regular fellowship meetings for young people are returning soon, and specifically included the language, "if you're single," among the descriptions of those who should consider showing up. So, fingers crossed.

> At this point, it's a good idea to focus on yourself and get into the Bible. You can start in Proverbs and read a chapter a day...

I have been keeping up a daily Bible reading rule, which coincidentally includes the Proverbs. I agree they're quite soothing to go through. I'm currently trying to read three chapters per day, one in the old testament (going through it in order,) one in Proverbs (will be Psalms after finishing,) one in the epistles (starting in Romans and going in order.)

I encounter a *lot* of passages that I struggle to redeem in light of the ideologies we discuss here, but if nothing else I want to work my way towards having an informed and honest perspective on the text as a whole, whatever that final assessment ends up being.

> Keep us posted brother

If I succeed in my mission, you guys will be the first to know. 😂
no2phillips on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
I met my wife by asking out every cute girl/woman with no ring that came to get her car fixed running the front desk at the meineke.

GL Bro. There is no perfectly right answer. Ask out the cashier, the girl selling movie tickets etc.

Especially near the college campus.

Be clever, go to the grocery store, pick out a cute girl and buy a single flower and if she flirts with you (asks who it’s for) tell her it’s for the next girl you ask out and then hand it to her. Single stem roses are cheap.

It’s cheesy AF, but highly repeatable.
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Good thread, glad you posted it. The range of different advice in the thread is pretty interesting.
rattleS on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
OP, you never did anything wrong. Don't allow whores to define your self worth. To have women worthy of being married, you need a context that create this type of women. And the context we live in is NOT that context.

Keep improving, keep taking care of your physical and mental health, but never, EVER, have women as some sort of goal in life. Your average modern woman (young ones) is a narcissistic, worthless piece of shit who does not deserve your effort towards her. Even if you enjoy going through the humiliation ritual that is dating in the current year, there are way too many ways it can go wrong now that any woman can at any time file a divorce (and most of them do) so even if you want to build something to last a lifetime, they just want to be with you as long as they find it fun or are being $$$ spoiled $$$

While you try to be the greatest man you can to impress women, these women are spending their youth fucking serial killers, drug traffickers and dozens/hundreds of high status pussy slayer who treat them like their disposable sexdolls, only to accept you (and thinking they are doing some sort of charity by doing so) you at later age when their eggs are fried and their looks are gone for good. And ironically, these same women will demand to be treated like princesses and have a traditional man who will pay for everything and be a "provider". Them being a traditional woman, though? HAH, no fucking way, enjoy your used goods stretched out pussy and STDs.

Stop blaming yourself for the consequences of these whores' behavior.

tl;dr modern young women are not worth it, you need to change social dynamics before you think about things like marriage
rentfREEEE_since2016 on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
The best way to meet a woman.

Is to stop trying to meet a woman.

When you focus solely on improving yourself, and have an altruistic outlook on how you build up the people around you

The good women will find you.
deleted 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
deleted 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Kopkot on
2 months ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 2 children
Don't go to church to meet women. Go to church to find God.
JesusSupporter33 on
2 months ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 1 child
I've never been to a Church. I've been to Jesus centric fan clubs that actively encourage sinfulness and allow women to speak.. But never a Church.
Kopkot on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
True comment
Toujours2 on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
You can do both you autist.
Kopkot on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Maintain focus, simp.
deleted 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Kaizen on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Find yourself first and foremost. The subhuman poison diverts your attention away from you and to everything without. The process of self creation in itself will attract all sorts of things. You’re not supposed to “find” a wife, you are supposed to live life freely. It is certain that if you live this way, you will more than just “find” a “wife”.
deleted 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Fabius on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Wife finds you.
BlackPillBot on
2 months ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
Then wife fines you.
shuffle on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Be tall.
deleted 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
removed 2 months ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror )
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Hitler_was_2_nice on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
dude, i havent read your wall of text but believe me once you have enough money and social standing and good looking body, none of your flaws count anymore.
removed 2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
DeplorableGerman on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
- Church active life groups

- u/HyperboreanDNA "social clubs"

- Gym

- Bakeries and coffee shops

- Butcher shops

- Farmer's market

- DO NOT expect to find your wife in a tabletop RPG club. They are cool, but just don't expect The Wife. Just. Don't.

And not to sound rude, but drop the smart big words very wise talkie-speak. Simple words, no flowery language unless you are actually writing a novel or poem. Trust me, women and brothers don't like it when you speak and write like that, i had to learn that myself and the hard way.
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
> Butcher shops

Lol why butcher shops? That one seems out of left field.

> And not to sound rude, but drop the smart big words very wise talkie-speak.

I can speak half fluent Zoomish if that's an improvement.
DeplorableGerman on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
> Lol why butcher shops? That one seems out of left field.

No vegans, probably no crayon-coloured hairpies screeching, is interested in good meat, probably knows how to cook and if single and ringless definitely knows how to cook and loves DAH SHMEAT.

> I can speak half fluent Zoomish if that's an improvement.

Bleeze do ze needfur, Saar. Bleeze sheet in yuhr bants, Saar. Aih moost gollect all dah sheet for dah sheet flinging westiwal, Saar. Bleeze Saar, are you gone mad?! DO NOT REDEEM, SAAR!


[I'm armed with Memes of Mass Retardation and dangewrong! I'm warning you, back off!](
PointyStick2 on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
If in Europe, Chartres pilgrimage

If in America, St. Marys, Kansas

Otherwise use [this map](

And make sure you're attractive first, and by that I mean actually decently in shape, white teeth, etc.
Viewer01 on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Anon that was a very long post and I didn’t read all of it.

However, I will tell you this.

Women wait at the finish line for winners. Period.

There is no chasing involved. No convincing them you’re the one. That is beta cuck behavior.

All you have to do is live a full life and become successful and like magic they’ll find you. Don’t ever post again about how to get a woman. Only pursue wealth and growth.

When you do get one, don’t tolerate their bullshit. Ever. They do something you don’t like, you tell them. Never argue with them. Simply tell them the way it’s going to be and if they want to be mad, they can do it in another room and quietly at that. They expect you to be masculine and to be a leader. Never be afraid to kick one to the curb.

I have been with many women, and my most common mistake was treating them like a co captain and not a subordinate that needed daily direction.
ChrisTheCuckSlayer on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
You're fat. Lose 100 lbs and talk to her again.
Apothiosis on
2 months ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror ) 1 child
If you don’t already, go find a church that doesn’t worship saints, and believes that Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected. Oh and no rainbow flags. Start going.

Go talk to the pastor about this. He’ll tell you that God may have plans for you that don’t include a wife. If you put Jesus above your own wants and desires, that should be enough. Period. If he doesn’t, like if he suggests you go on Tinder, find another church.

Keep going to church. Join a Men’s Bible study. Volunteer. Lift weights. Avoid seed oils. And like others said, stay far away from the porn. I’ll bet that (God willing) if you do these, the Lord may put the perfect wife in your path. Put put The Lord first.
DeplorableGerman on
2 months ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror ) 1 child
The fact that you were downvoted is maddening. Not that it really matters, its just dumb internet points, but it's signalling.

*Always* put Jesus Christ first, in all things. In all things you do in life, ask yourself "Is this and HOW is this benefitting Jesus Christ or my relationship with Jesus Christ?"

The World is rotten because we have forgotten how to be Godly. And Heavens, it's about time we relearned how to be Godly again. Man's goal in life must be theosis. Jesus Christ be praised, ameen ☦
Apothiosis on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
I didn’t even know I was downvoted.

It’s a fallen world. Blessings to you.
DeplorableGerman on
2 months ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror )
Daemons hate this one simple trick: ☦️

Praise be unto Him, brother. Praise be!
SnakePlisken1776 on
2 months ago -14 points (+0 / -0 / -14Score on mirror ) 6 children
Get a camera, it’s disarming to woman like a puppy. If you see a woman or group of women ask to take their picture, if they decline they aren’t rejecting you flat out so it won’t be as awkward. If they allow you to take a the shot make it a good one that’s your in to get their contact info.
Germany on
2 months ago 14 points (+0 / -0 / +14Score on mirror ) 1 child
Don't do this, OP
shuffle on
2 months ago -2 points (+0 / -0 / -2Score on mirror ) 1 child
Translation: do this, OP
Germany on
2 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
People who are minding their own business don't like being disturbed especially when it's a women being approached by a random dude.
Breadpilled on
2 months ago 11 points (+0 / -0 / +11Score on mirror ) 4 children
Should I also ask them to come back to the studio in my basement afterwards to take more pictures?
deleted 2 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
BlackPillBot on
2 months ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
Only if you’re mom will have the meatloaf ready after the sessh is over.
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
He would do anything for love... But he won't do that. No he won't do that.
BlackPillBot on
1 month ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
SnakePlisken1776 on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
If you demographic is white then yes.
JesusSupporter33 on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
He's got a point. If you manage to find a woman who will come back to your studio then you're IN.
NiggerWithAForklift on
2 months ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror )
Have you tried this in real life?
Toujours2 on
2 months ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror )
Terrible advice.
Kopkot on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Could be an in but better to just have a photography hobby. Don't just go around taking pics of women lol
Kaizen on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
What in the SIMPish faggotry is this…
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