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BlackPillBot on
3 days ago5 points(+0/-0/+5Score on mirror)
It’s so strange how far mOOdern “man” will allowed himself to be pushed. I mean what man would let anyone, but especially his wife murder their child slowly like this. It’s not like he didn’t have enough warning. Recognize blatant patterns early on white man, and act accordingly. I’m sure she was constantly dressing the boy like a girl and/or degenerate freak. If you asked her to stop doing that, and she continued, theres your sign that it’s time to act. If for some crazy reason that’s not enough, the first time she actually took the child to a tranny doctor should have been enough for you to take the children, disappear, and/or unalive her for good measure before you leave. I just don’t get it. If someone, with the help of ZOG, killing your child isn’t enough for you to “ACT”, I don’t know WTF will ever be.
Shits scary as fuck. My minds still blown from the dude who just let ZOG come in and molest his family, and home and then steal his pets, and kill them for absolutely no reason. I get it was a squirrel and a raccoon, but it’s just another example of what they’re willing to do to show you they can, and will do whatever the fuck they want even if you have not, and will not hurt anyone. They kill dogs, and people all the time for no reason, and people just keep on keeping on. Daniel Penny is gonna be big. I know it’s enemy territory, but I hope he gets at least one or two sane jurors who can see through all this bullshit.
Shits scary as fuck. My minds still blown from the dude who just let ZOG come in and molest his family, and home and then steal his pets, and kill them for absolutely no reason. I get it was a squirrel and a raccoon, but it’s just another example of what they’re willing to do to show you they can, and will do whatever the fuck they want even if you have not, and will not hurt anyone. They kill dogs, and people all the time for no reason, and people just keep on keeping on. Daniel Penny is gonna be big. I know it’s enemy territory, but I hope he gets at least one or two sane jurors who can see through all this bullshit.