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7 days ago0 points(+0/-0)
No it's not, actually. Irving is not always the greatest resource on things; he isn't perfect. There was a great thread on Frenschan about the TT before it got shoah'd, I managed to find some bits of it that I had saved
We can deduce its illegitimacy quite simply though. The original documents that the TT was composed from spent time in (((allied))) hands after the war, so there you have it. If that wasn't enough, the table talks are the *only* source in existence for anti-Christian quotes attributed to Hitler. No other book, publication, or speech that he *ever* produced or originated contained similar sentiments. Gee, I wonder why that might be. You are correct about the Goebbels diary though.
We can deduce its illegitimacy quite simply though. The original documents that the TT was composed from spent time in (((allied))) hands after the war, so there you have it. If that wasn't enough, the table talks are the *only* source in existence for anti-Christian quotes attributed to Hitler. No other book, publication, or speech that he *ever* produced or originated contained similar sentiments. Gee, I wonder why that might be. You are correct about the Goebbels diary though.