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Captain_Raamsley on
9 days ago0 points(+0/-0)2 children
Yeah the Orthodox have 2 problems
1. They're declawed. They're celebrating martyrdom but in the most cucked and disgusting way. They dont venerate the germans who fought back, instead only the people who sat rolled over and died to communism for nothing.
2. They've been subberted on race. "Phyletism" is a heresy, yet they order, define and build every single one of their churches along ethnic bounds. Also hilarious to me how non-ethnic churches seem to not exist. It's an extreme case of literal 1984 doublethink.
I think they have another huge problem when it comes to permitting remarriage of divorced couples as well, though sadly the boomer modernists seem to be attempting to follow in their footsteps.
If I remember right, phyletism was created by Greek simonists to defend their continued right to buy their office from Turks. When I heard about EOs banning pro-White people back in 2017 I was shocked that they used such poor logic. No one cares that these rulings came from people who purchased their episcopacy from Muslims? No one cares that the punishing of ethnic chauvinism with "phyletism" is completely out of character with Christianity before WW2? No one cares that charges of "phyletism" are never brought against non-White ethnic groups? Would any EO dare to tell a jewish convert he could no longer have any pro-jew attachments because "phyletism"?
It's something of a moot point as EO is a schismatic sect and not God's church anyway.
1. They're declawed. They're celebrating martyrdom but in the most cucked and disgusting way. They dont venerate the germans who fought back, instead only the people who sat rolled over and died to communism for nothing.
2. They've been subberted on race. "Phyletism" is a heresy, yet they order, define and build every single one of their churches along ethnic bounds. Also hilarious to me how non-ethnic churches seem to not exist. It's an extreme case of literal 1984 doublethink.
It's something of a moot point as EO is a schismatic sect and not God's church anyway.