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RedBarron2006 on
9 days ago13 points(+0/-0/+13Score on mirror)5 children
Great, go be my “brother” in Christ over in Africa.
The Bible is very clear mixing of blood is an abominable sin. Mixed blood destroys entire races, their culture, history, language, etc. it’s a less direct and slower form of genocide, but genocide none the less.
The Bible says:
> “Therefore go and make disciples of all ***nations***, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..”
> “And the gospel must first be preached to all ***nations***.”
You see that? Preached to all ***N A T I O N S***. Oh boy, what’s a nation? He must mean the niggers, beaners, poos, etc. *right?*
Nation, from the Latin “Nasci” and later “natio” which literally translates to ***common blood, birth, race.***
I’m so fucking tired of these subversive preachers that only “know” the word to subvert it. Our new stone church we build will have a Bible lesson every Sunday exposing exactly these sorts of things. Un-jewing the Christian faith using historical fact and breaking down Bible verses into their historical context and what those words meant back then. I’m so tired of this and fed up with it. I’ll make it a whole new denomination like…. Eurocentric Orthodox? Our religion believes all Aryan blooded people are directly descendant from God whether or not you currently believe in him. This way all (Whites) automatically qualify to be part of the church (no one else) and are tasked with creating great works in his honour and violence against our enemies if violence is used upon us. I don’t know I literally just made this up but I’m pissed.
9 days ago3 points(+0/-0/+3Score on mirror)1 child
Technically, the bible does call on us to *attempt* to convert even the Canaanite Race, but there is *nothing* calling for Race-Mixing in there, and quite a few verses condemning Race-Mixing. However, as a Christian, one's duty is to one's local community first before other races, if there are still unconverted people in your Nation, they should be of top priority. The biggest mistake the modern attempts at evangelization make is neglecting to build up the Church locally and instead sending valuable missionaries to foreign nations when they are needed more in the increasingly un-Christian West. Its no wonder White people leave the Church when the Church seems to not care about them (or more accurately, the Pharasitic boomer clergy addicted to social validation by being *seen* "helping" muh starving african children).
We should not even be *attempting* to spread the gospel in other nations when our own are completely starved for Christ.
Yes, ***attempt*** to convert other races, but *convert* doesn’t equate to *cohabitate*.
Also as you said, only after you’ve reached everyone you can in your nation. Although I don’t believe in that personally anymore, every time my ancestors tried helping beasts of the field they just claim we oppressed them and throw it back in their great-great-great grandchildren’s faces. There’s other ways to reach them now without ever having to touch their diseased lands.
Any creature on earth that lives according to ***true*** old Christian testament will improve dramatically from what it was before. Pornography, usury, prostitution, STD/STI, broken homes etc. would massively reduce. People are infallible so those problems wouldn’t vanish forever but society as a whole would drastically heal. While Christianity is a huge part of White history, I still believe whether or not you believe in God Aryans are part of him and therefore naturally create incredible things. Our ancestors who were both men of faith and non-believers created amazing things.
1. They're declawed. They're celebrating martyrdom but in the most cucked and disgusting way. They dont venerate the germans who fought back, instead only the people who sat rolled over and died to communism for nothing.
2. They've been subberted on race. "Phyletism" is a heresy, yet they order, define and build every single one of their churches along ethnic bounds. Also hilarious to me how non-ethnic churches seem to not exist. It's an extreme case of literal 1984 doublethink.
I think they have another huge problem when it comes to permitting remarriage of divorced couples as well, though sadly the boomer modernists seem to be attempting to follow in their footsteps.
If I remember right, phyletism was created by Greek simonists to defend their continued right to buy their office from Turks. When I heard about EOs banning pro-White people back in 2017 I was shocked that they used such poor logic. No one cares that these rulings came from people who purchased their episcopacy from Muslims? No one cares that the punishing of ethnic chauvinism with "phyletism" is completely out of character with Christianity before WW2? No one cares that charges of "phyletism" are never brought against non-White ethnic groups? Would any EO dare to tell a jewish convert he could no longer have any pro-jew attachments because "phyletism"?
It's something of a moot point as EO is a schismatic sect and not God's church anyway.
The Bible is very clear mixing of blood is an abominable sin. Mixed blood destroys entire races, their culture, history, language, etc. it’s a less direct and slower form of genocide, but genocide none the less.
The Bible says:
> “Therefore go and make disciples of all ***nations***, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..”
> “And the gospel must first be preached to all ***nations***.”
You see that? Preached to all ***N A T I O N S***. Oh boy, what’s a nation? He must mean the niggers, beaners, poos, etc. *right?*
Nation, from the Latin “Nasci” and later “natio” which literally translates to ***common blood, birth, race.***
I’m so fucking tired of these subversive preachers that only “know” the word to subvert it. Our new stone church we build will have a Bible lesson every Sunday exposing exactly these sorts of things. Un-jewing the Christian faith using historical fact and breaking down Bible verses into their historical context and what those words meant back then. I’m so tired of this and fed up with it. I’ll make it a whole new denomination like…. Eurocentric Orthodox? Our religion believes all Aryan blooded people are directly descendant from God whether or not you currently believe in him. This way all (Whites) automatically qualify to be part of the church (no one else) and are tasked with creating great works in his honour and violence against our enemies if violence is used upon us. I don’t know I literally just made this up but I’m pissed.
We should not even be *attempting* to spread the gospel in other nations when our own are completely starved for Christ.
Also as you said, only after you’ve reached everyone you can in your nation. Although I don’t believe in that personally anymore, every time my ancestors tried helping beasts of the field they just claim we oppressed them and throw it back in their great-great-great grandchildren’s faces. There’s other ways to reach them now without ever having to touch their diseased lands.
Any creature on earth that lives according to ***true*** old Christian testament will improve dramatically from what it was before. Pornography, usury, prostitution, STD/STI, broken homes etc. would massively reduce. People are infallible so those problems wouldn’t vanish forever but society as a whole would drastically heal. While Christianity is a huge part of White history, I still believe whether or not you believe in God Aryans are part of him and therefore naturally create incredible things. Our ancestors who were both men of faith and non-believers created amazing things.
See, there's one of the big problems.
He will proselytize us in America with this race mixing bullshit.. And the zealous youth under his influence will be sent to preach in Africa.
1. They're declawed. They're celebrating martyrdom but in the most cucked and disgusting way. They dont venerate the germans who fought back, instead only the people who sat rolled over and died to communism for nothing.
2. They've been subberted on race. "Phyletism" is a heresy, yet they order, define and build every single one of their churches along ethnic bounds. Also hilarious to me how non-ethnic churches seem to not exist. It's an extreme case of literal 1984 doublethink.
It's something of a moot point as EO is a schismatic sect and not God's church anyway.
"All nations" = beaners, niggers, etc.
"Our nation" = just Italians, for example