14 days ago11 points(+0/-0/+11Score on mirror)1 child
Yeah, and notice how he's at peace, not envious or spiteful towards Whites for their success. Totally unlike the American blacks who hate Whitey because they are forced to compete with him, perpetually kept under the delusion that you are both "equal." In reality, because Whites *are* superior, Blacks will never be able to compete, and are left to necessarily blame the disparity on racism.
>most decent and content ....ones who are actually from Africa
>jews really did fuck them
Yes. The reason American niggers are brown and not black is mostly due to jewish slave owners raping them, that's what I've learned from listening to niggers and Nazis. It also explains why they are so indecent and malcontent. Full bloods can snap easy and be violent don't get me wrong but content most of the time and usually conservative acting and appearing. And full bloods don't self hate like jews and amerinogs.
Keep in mind, the French Empire, which was gigajewed from the start of the French Revolution thanks to (((Freemasonry))), is responsible for redrawing a lot of the african borders to include ethnic groups who *hate* each other in the same artificial countries (something theyve also been doing in europe with stuff like the EU, though thanks to a common Christian heritage, Whites in Europe are far more united than the violent pagans and muslims of africa). The jews created this problem, then provided the "solution" of removing the whites who were maintaining a semblance of order, resulting in everything collapsing.
They didn’t become mixed mongrels I believe Che Guevara said the said thing about that with Africans being race mixed which is funny with how many mystery meat socialists in America and Europe love the guy
Yeah. Also reminds me of those Africans who live in shitholes but spend all their money on the fanciest suits. Instead of succumbing to the shithole around them, they make it their hobby to look and behave as classy as possible. Kinda based.
The jews really did fuck them along with us by bringing them here.
Giving Whites our just do for our great accomplishments.
The truth sets you free.
>jews really did fuck them
Yes. The reason American niggers are brown and not black is mostly due to jewish slave owners raping them, that's what I've learned from listening to niggers and Nazis. It also explains why they are so indecent and malcontent. Full bloods can snap easy and be violent don't get me wrong but content most of the time and usually conservative acting and appearing. And full bloods don't self hate like jews and amerinogs.
they did, every american negro has some kike DNA in him which is why american niggers are brown and not black
it would also explain why [american niggers and jews can't stop stealing](https://pomf2.lain.la/f/e3bnn04i.jpg)