17 days ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)1 child
No one has ever won. Why are you still acting like there’s a winner and a loser. If you vote you lose. never won never lost. We don’t beat the blind we lead them sigh
hey stupid, all of this paying for invaders to live in 5 star hotels bullshit is happening under biden/ harris' watch. once the word got out that trump might be back in office, the border jumping slowed down significantly since no one wanted to pay 20k to cartel to get snuck in just to be escorted out once the don gets back in. stop the demoralization or maybe tone it down. you're making it far too obvious
I wouldn't hold my breath, illegals kept pouring in even under Trump
i'd recon he'd deport maybe 20K and keep the rest to please his jew-masters, how will he do it? by making the illegals legal after having them take the oath of allegiance to Israel ;)
17 days ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
Wrong prez. Nice try tho.
Every one of these a-holes facilitating this stuff for illegals needs prison time. It's aiding criminals. There are laws like this for a reason.
We can't be inviting these low IQ shits into this country. All it does is spur more to come over. Besides there zero work for these invaders so they rape and steal in between their 3 meals a day and x-box games.
i'd recon he'd deport maybe 20K and keep the rest to please his jew-masters, how will he do it? by making the illegals legal after having them take the oath of allegiance to Israel ;)