17 days ago27 points(+0/-0/+27Score on mirror)1 child
This is how successful jew media brainwashing is on weak goy minds. The way the room collectively recoiled shows how powerful jew media brainwashing is.
If that was a room full of Mexicans in Mexico while a White man complained about them that White man would be dead.
Follow every single one of them home and give them the cartel treatment for choosing to be traitors.
Women don't see them as invaders; they see them as potential chad sperm donors or free money beta orbiters or more wage slaves to lower the cost of their yardwork. Most women don't have a particular loyalty to any one race of men. Some white women raised under the right conditions do but they are the exception to the rule.
If that was a room full of Mexicans in Mexico while a White man complained about them that White man would be dead.
Follow every single one of them home and give them the cartel treatment for choosing to be traitors.