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Trump will likely have the election, but only to keep the Republican, White voting base happy and docile. There'll be the little liberal tantrums to laugh at, maybe a fire set or some graffiti, and then they all look smug for the next four years and not do anything.

When Biden "won" in 2020, there was backlash out the ass, which is exactly what they DON'T want you to do. This may have been a display of power, to show that (((they))) can do whatever they want and nothing will matter. However, the ensuing discourse over the election's outcome proved otherwise.

A Harris victory would almost certainly result in this happening again, perhaps even stronger this time. Republican voters will say it's too obvious. All the "people" they WANT out there causing violence and killing White people would remain happy and satisfied, not the other way around.

The last thing (((they))) want is for YOU to revolt.

P.S. Let me know if you need anything further explained, I can't figure out how to say a lot of what I want to say without sounding like a rambling, incoherent fool.
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TakenusernameA on
3 months ago 25 points (+0 / -0 / +25Score on mirror ) 3 children
I think even if trump does win, there will be white action. Jew naming is becoming more and more common, and even with Trump at the helm, no white man in his right mind would die for Israel while the US has foreigners in it.
detransthrowaway on
3 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Ooh, good call.
TakenusernameA on
3 months ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror ) 1 child
Boomers who are too far down the zionist propaganda hole to see that Trump wont actually fix what matters (and all they care about is the economy anyway), and ultimately theyre too old to make any difference. The younger generation of rightists wont be as easy to lull into submission, because weve already seen our birthright sold to foreigners and what an utter joke the democratic system is, and how utterly faggotry and feminism have hollowed out society.

I think Trump simply accomplishing nothing might be enough to set off a revolt against the democratic system, as people realize it is utterly rigged. Kamala "winning" might have the opposite effect if there isnt obvious fraud, as it might just lead to the american right simply quitting and getting back on board the uniparty train. The only way a Kamala victory ends positively if it is both obviously rigged, and the right doesnt give up immediately like they did after january 6th in 2020.
dylan on
3 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
My hope is the dems go for an inverted electoral map from Regan’s 1984 election where he won every state but Minnesota. Let’s burn this shit to the ground and start the process of starting over so I can help lead my family and kin into a better nation oriented towards our flourishing.
Crockett on
3 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
I agree. Even if you assume that Trump is a controlled opposition plant meant to pacify white men enough to get them on board for WW3, I think you still can't assume that's how it will play out. Trump is riding a wave of "Forget about these foreign countries, let's focus on improving America for once". I do not think that crowd is going to be easily led into dying in Iran just because Trump said so. I know that's how I feel. I quite like him, but I would hesitate to kick him to the curb if he tries to send us to die in Ukraine or whatever.

Trump has knob-slobbered Israel a lot in his time, but I don't even think Jews think he's going to drag anyone into a war for them. (Non-orthodox) Jews hate Trump, precisely because they see that despite his promises to support them, the premises of Trump's political foundation inexorably lead away from submission to zog.
ApexVeritas on
3 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
I truly hope you're right. I fear that a Trump presidency will improve the economy again, while keeping all the other failed mainstream right wing policies and Kalergi plan in full swing. The improved economy will act as a pressure released valve, making people slightly less uncomfortable, and thus, will act as a counteractive force to people waking up, slowing down our movement, or stopping it entirely, at least under his presidency.

Making people uncomfortable, in general (due to the lies), serves our interests. It forces people to reevaluate and look for alternatives to the lies they've been fed (from both parties).
revtreynine on
3 months ago 8 points (+0 / -0 / +8Score on mirror )
Kikes already showed you their hand with hollywood and video games. Black female lead so they can call you sexist and racist while they push faggotry and call you a coward if you don't want to die for them against the Arabs who go apeshit when they tear down the Dome of the Rock to build their third temple.

Trump is a wrestling heel. He's there to push Kamala over. You need Trump so that you can sell trans nonsense as accepted. It isn't but Trump losing means kikes can sell it is.

Men have one glaring weakness just like women do. We hate to be called cowards, we hate to be shown up and we can be shamed and bullied into fighting with stories about female super soldiers dying for their country while a strong lady is threatened by other kike actors.

They figured this shit out a long time ago. Think that USSR female super sniper is real? It's all bullshit. Men are also given things to fight for with fake counterculture. Goy aimed at other goy to keep them from kikes.

Women's weakness is perceived social norms. It's why they pushed faggotry with talk shows first to get the moms to get to the kids. They know there are two genders and they know our weakness.

Kamala will probably be given some 9/11 event before Biden is even out of the white house and Trump will be out their pushing her to war while she is pretending to be rational and calm while sending you to die. Her husband already runs the anti-semitism programs that will shut us down.
Hyperborean_ on
3 months ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 2 children
Some good analysis here on what a Kamala victory would look like. In short, there will not be a collapse, just the continued descent into South Africa like conditions.
Rockwellwuzright on
3 months ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 1 child
The government is run by jews.

Each political party is run by jews.

The jews are very one dimensional with everything they do.

Judging by this I expect Trump to be selected to be the front man in the theatre show.

This is based upon jews bringing in Indians by the boatload as the next strategy in the kill Whitey game.

Trump is all for 'legal immigration' and giving anyone citizenship when they complete their studies. This is copying Canada's strategy which has resulted in jeets, jeets and more jets.

Millions of jeets have gone to Australia and the UK. Germany, Finland and Russia have all agreed to take in thousands of jeets a year.

Tldr; Trump will 'win' so millions of jeet immigrants can legally come to America.
newuser8 on
3 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Easing up the h1b quantities from India will be a disaster for the tech industry. Even now, the jeets are coming across from Canada to work here. Stem degrees will become worthless as the jeets decimate the supply and demand like they did in Canada
detransthrowaway on
3 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
Major blackpill for accellerationists.
TallestSkil on
3 months ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror ) 2 children
>but only to keep the Republican, White voting base happy and docile

They were docile when he lost, though.
detransthrowaway on
3 months ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 1 child
No they certainly were not. Were you just in hibernation or something? Banners were hung from highways, rallies were organized, this "stop the steal" thing had coverage for MONTHS. It will intensify should Kamala win in 2024.
TallestSkil on
3 months ago 11 points (+0 / -0 / +11Score on mirror ) 2 children
>No they certainly were not. Were you just in hibernation or something?

Don’t pretend to be a retard, please.

>Banners were hung from highways, rallies were organized, this "stop the steal" thing had coverage for MONTHS.


Just fucking… *you know better.*
HeightOfHimmler88 on
3 months ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror )
Lmao yeah how is this guy thinking they were not docile?? They literally went on a walk around the capital, bitched a lot, and then big dick daddy FBI falsely arrested and imprisoned a bunch of them as a humiliation ritual and then they (including Trump) did jack-shit about it and most of them are still in prison to this day!

Meanwhile one junkie nigger dies by OD in cop custody and communists destroy multiple cities. They could blatantly steal this election even more than the last, tell MIGA to kiss their ass cause they’ll do it again, and all that would happen is they’d bitch louder and tell everyone to voooote super hard next time.
ApexVeritas on
3 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
TheDonald was almost wall to wall of legitimate discussions of secession and violent revolution following the 2020 steal. It was quite surprising and refreshing to see so many people openly discussing it. However, it was largely quashed by the mods after January 6th, though. I imagine many of those people left the site in disgust, and like many of us, are waiting for the coming collapse and violence, or an effective leader to rally behind. TheDonald never recovered, in terms of users, after that clamp down. That forum has been a walking corpse ever since.
systemthrowaway on
3 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Docile =/= unaware. Ultimately they want to maintain the fantasy that voting is real and if they stop throwing those bones the fantasy could fade very fast.
TallestSkil on
3 months ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 1 child
Nah, the (actual) republicans have lost every election for the last 80 years and no one did anything, which is why there aren’t any republicans anymore. It’s only communists and people lying about being communists. They directly pointed guns at unarmed white men to force niggers into their children’s schools and no one did anything. They went on live television after the 2020 election and openly said they stole it. No one did anything.

There is no breaking point. No one gives a shit. We have chosen to die.
systemthrowaway on
3 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Doesn't matter, clearly they want to maintain the illusion of "democracy" because they're still doing it.
deleted 3 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
BraveOsttruppen on
3 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
“Revolutions” all came from the top and modern day (((revolutions))) come from (((you know who))). Working class people generally don’t do anything, we need high ranking military or state officials on our side. Seriously, almost all revolutions in history were instigated by highly organized and high status and or wealthy men.
WhatWouldMountainDew on
3 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
> When Biden "won" in 2020, there was backlash out the ass...

Was there though? Literally the only thing that happened on J6 was some dude put his feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk, someone walked around with a lectern, a guy with a buffalo hat did a photoshoot, and an air force vet got herself shot. Then it was 3 years of nonstop fits of impotent rage while still somehow managing to be on the defensive.

The thing that *really* pisses me off is how eager the rank and file republicans were to blame broken windows on Antifa or 3-letter agencies as if that would somehow make it less bad(?) At the end of the day I don't care who did what because the what is a big nothingburger. The previous 9 months before that we had to endure asinine lockdowns and cities being burned down. I don't give two shits if the FBI (or whoever) planted bad actors in the J6 iNsUrReCtIoN because at the end of the day nothing changed.

Why is it on once side will tell you a burning city is "mostly peaceful" but on the other side a crowd of 250,000 people break a window because an election (a pillar of our ~~democracy~~ constitutional republic) was stolen?

The average constitution monkey completely forgets that Britain didn't just let us secede like they did with all their other colonies 200 years later.
JohnTorrington on
3 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
Doesn't matter who wins when they all kiss the wall.
Oldpederaulfuerte on
3 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
I agree with your sentiments on Trump but the White lightning is already out of the bottle. There will continue to be nigger and jew atrocities regardless of who is president and more and more will continue to wake up. The future is ours and Christ is King.
Lurkerlurker on
3 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Or it doesn’t happen this way. And I could literally care less.
Viewer01 on
3 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
You’re not wrong. I have noticed it this time around that courts aren’t smirking and saying laches and no standing.

This go round they’re dropping the hammer on the dems, and I believe it’s because of January 6.

The govt likes to pretend that it totally didn’t shit its pants in response to half a million unarmed rabble. However keep in mind they called up a 100k national guard to guard 16 acres, against an unarmed, peaceful mob.

You had better bet they had every active duty golem they could trust called in and ready to go too.

Everyone knows trumps the mad man with his finger hovering over the civil war button, and they probably believe he’ll press it when push comes to shove.
3 months ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror )
quiet, rabbi
FuckMcNuggets on
3 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
I can't wait to see trump do absolutely nothing while the lefties pretend they're being exterminated
GoldenInnosStatue on
3 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
that was my prediction last election, unfortunately kikes rigged it because they hate the White goyim slaves more than they care about pissrael

though this time... you may never know

if no interference, Trump is slated to win

if they rig it again... migatards will continue to "trust the plan"
deleted 3 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
ValuesLiberty on
3 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Kamala Obama Niggerama will win. The fix is in. America is cooked
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