2 months ago22 points(+0/-0/+22Score on mirror)2 children
All of the recent anti-woke sentiment is a position change, not a trajectory change. People like Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Daily Wire-tier media outlets, and even outright liberals like Bill Maher have all said anti-woke things. If society is a giant ocean-liner pointed toward wokeness and White genocide, they're tug boats pulling it back. Yes, technically we're going the right direction, but we're not pointing in the right direction. We need to turn the ship around, not just back it up a few years.
Present day anti-wokeness is nothing more than a tactical retreat that serves as a social pressure relief valve to make people things are getting better when the reality is they can be full steam ahead with the woke agenda in a matter of days.
2 months ago10 points(+0/-0/+10Score on mirror)1 child
Came here to say: I couldn't have a lower opinion of women or what they like. They are not worth impressing.
Young men already understand that young women have zero potential as long term partners so they pump and dump or browse the internet for five minutes to find their nudes.
ZOG itself doesn't realize how badly they've fucked things.
Yep if kikes think they can draft men like 60 years ago in Vietnam they are in for a rude awakening. 90% of men will rather go to prison than go fight LOL.
2 months ago12 points(+0/-0/+12Score on mirror)2 children
Jokes on them, even if Zognald is in office the only reason I'm going to invade the holy land is for a crusade.
Its also interesting, if the right post is to be believed, that they are still going for the whole "use women to shame men into dying for ZOG" angle they used in WWI with the (((suffragettes))), but they've convinced women to be so utterly insufferable, I don't think any unmarried man (outside of coomers and pajeets) stuck in the current state of gender relations would be willing to die for them.
2 months ago13 points(+0/-0/+13Score on mirror)2 children
Imagine if we started a meme where White men being conscripted to fight for Israel all unite to retake the Holy Land, to the point where they're actually afraid to draft us.
Yea the shame that worked 100 years ago just won't fly these days. Men don't even want to work you think theyl pick up a rifle and go kill for some kikes? LOL
2 months ago6 points(+0/-0/+6Score on mirror)1 child
Seems logical, but (((they))) forgot one little detail. The "men" who are fans of Elmo, juden peterstein and such controlled opposition are the wimps who sit down to pee. They'll be as useless fighting a war as the pajeets and niggers.
All the real men see through the controlled opposition, except maybe boomers, but they're too fat and old, even if they have some masculinity left.
2 months ago5 points(+0/-0/+5Score on mirror)1 child
I'd like to add that some Gen X and older Millenial men (myself included) also latched onto Peterson, though many of us have since given him up. We're too old to be conscripted (at least at first), but our sons are closing in on fighting age. You also must fear the retarded older Millenial now.
2 months ago5 points(+0/-0/+5Score on mirror)2 children
It was really the younger millennials that were in college from about 2005 and up that were truly retarded and gave gen y the image of being "special snowflakes" that needed "safe spaces" etc. The thing is, millennials didn't come up with that crap on their own, they were taught it in college by people older than them.
We all know what the (((root))) of the problem is but as someone who is a younger millennial, it wasn't the boomer professors that were indoctrinating college students with woke crap as much as it was the gen x professors.
I'm not sure if blaming entire generations is really that helpful. I try to add the caveat of the "mentality" that goes along with being a boomer (i.e. boomer-tier conservative). However, gen x has completely gotten off the hook when it comes to being blamed for their contributions to our degenerate society. It's a total self-own for parents to bitch about how crappy their kids are.
The internet age had it's consequences, a lot of people wasn't connected back in the days were it's still was unregulated. Then with the introduction of the idiot friendly smartphone, crapple iFag, a lot of idiots came online and started to demand censorship.
I agree on not blaming entire generations tho, the stereotypes are there and that's what is referred to when using those slurs. But online, who noose what entity is on the other end when speaking to a retard.
GenX took the degeneracy and debauchery of the Boomers and mixed it with a lot of nihilism and misguided angst. We were a bunch of lost idiots who either grew up to be NeoBoomers, or a lot of us became disillusioned and disaffected misanthropes.
There’s a strong possibility they will install Trump to calm conservatives down and deceive people into believing the system still works. As for wars and recruitment, there will be wars and rumors of wars.
The period of relative peace will come an end but we don’t know when this will happen. Maybe it ends next year or six years from now. The only thing you can be certain of is the state of your soul should anything happen and educate those that will listen.
Present day anti-wokeness is nothing more than a tactical retreat that serves as a social pressure relief valve to make people things are getting better when the reality is they can be full steam ahead with the woke agenda in a matter of days.