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ReChristianize on
4 months ago4 points(+0/-0/+4Score on mirror)1 child
Our warmongering in the middle east is grossly immoral, but it's not likely to start ww3. Our proxy war with Russia could. China will not permit itself to be isolated, as it would be if NATO were to be victorious over Russia, so if globalist NATO traitors succeed in escalating the war with Russia, we'll get a conflict of some type with China too.
I really don't know why you'd use a (((bloomberg))) article quoting "Israeli Experts" as anything other than evidence of jewish warmongering.
This is the most obvious and simple-minded of propaganda. They build up an 'axis of evil' as the Big Bads that Good Guy Americans have to fight, provide 'evidence' that they have WMDs or chemical weapons or whatever to point the zogbots in their direction, and laugh as non-jews kill each other.
Russia is allies with Iran
I have facts you have rhetoric
This is the most obvious and simple-minded of propaganda. They build up an 'axis of evil' as the Big Bads that Good Guy Americans have to fight, provide 'evidence' that they have WMDs or chemical weapons or whatever to point the zogbots in their direction, and laugh as non-jews kill each other.