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posted 1 month ago by RJ567 on (+0 / -0 / +74Score on mirror )
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devotech2 on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 3 children
Torn on the solutrean hypothesis. But my main issue is presuming that the solutreans were the same as the modern white. The average white person has less than 1/3 of the genetics that the solutreans would have had. A majority of our genome is occupied by steppe invaders and farmers from the Levant and Anatolia. Oddly enough, unmixed native samples have about 1/3 western Eurasian dna, so the average timber nigger is about as closely related to us as the average solutrean. This is because Siberia was the homeland of both the paternal ancestors of whites as well as the ancestors of Mongolians, turks, and natives. Turks and native siberian + american ancestors mixed extensively with our paternal ancestors while the ones that went west did so before the east Asian types came to Siberia.

If they were isolated in america for thousands of years, the asiatic natives never came, thus they continued populating it, and european history continued as normal, we would likely end up there and view them as an entirely different race anyways, they would probably be inferior to Europeans from the urheimat, they would have spoken an entirely alien language, and they would have an entirely unrecognizable culture. Actually, their culture would have probably been more alien than the current amerindian culture, because culture descends patrilineally and as has been confirmed by science, we share patrilineal ancestors and also culture.

If Europe continued without the farmers and steppe invaders dominating it, it's likely that Europeans today would be absolutely nothing like they are currently (ergo they would not be able to be considered "white"). Aryan-ness itself as a concept comes from the steppe invaders. As do pale skin and blonde hair.

I understand the political angle of hiding the fact that ancient Europeans found America, but under an objective lense it makes little to no difference. Ancient whites did not discover america because the solutreans were not the same as whites. If anyone is an ancient white, it's people who were still in Siberia at the time that this would have happened because they gave rise to the indo Europeans.
LordGrimTheInvincibl on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 2 children
My economics teacher from way back when told me that all humans are halfbreeds.

Technically speaking, he was right.

I still hate amerimutts and bean goblins, though.

devotech2 on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Your teacher is still wrong. Almost every group of people is still a combination of very closely related groups. Every group contributing to modern whites was closely related, same as almost every Asian, same as groids.

Native Americans (we shall include beaners for posterity's sake), gulf Arabs, Turks (not turks from turkey who are basically 100% native anatolian, but turkic tribes), siberian natives, Mongolians, and Indians are the only people that arose from completely different races intermixing. And only half of these were actually stone age happenings and were the result of the ancestors of whites living alongside ancient east asians who migrated into Siberia during the upper Paleolithic. Siberia is the urheimat of the indo european, Mongolian, turkic, and native American people and culture. The first people who lived there were stone age aryans, however.

It was historically extremely rare for multiple races to mix, just closely related groups of different peoples. The only example of a truly ancient peopling towing the line were ancient northeast asians and ancient north eurasians cohabiting Siberia. The former being mongoloid and the latter being west eurasian.
KyleIsThisTall on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Since when is economics anthropology
BreadandWinePilled on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
> average white person has less than 1/3 of the genetics that the solutreans would have had

Incorrect. While there certainly are and were a whole host of genetic disparities between us and them, the Solutreans were Y-dna Haplogroup R1b- precisely the same as (most) Western Europeans today. While certainly it's true that the Solutreans were more closely related to the Western Hunter-Gatherers than most of us living today are, they still had enough EEF blood in them to be fairly considered European despite the notable absence of a lot of Western Steppe Herder alleles that later Europeans all have.

> If they were isolated in america for thousands of years, the asiatic natives never came, thus they continued populating it, and european history continued as normal, we would likely end up there and view them as an entirely different race anyways

Actually, the first Asiatic migrants (e.g. the Bering Strait crossers) made their way over to the American supercontinent not long after the Solutreans, maybe four or five generations later, before the Clovis extinction during the Younger Dryas Impact that all but wiped out Beringers and Solutreans alike. While what we recognize as Native American "culture" (i.e. cannibalism, constant skullduggery, and savagery) is the degenerate behavior that treeniggers descended into when the Mound-Builders were wiped out.

> If Europe continued without the farmers and steppe invaders dominating it, it's likely that Europeans today would be absolutely nothing like they are currently (ergo they would not be able to be considered "white"). Aryan-ness itself as a concept comes from the steppe invaders. As do pale skin and blonde hair.

No. Just.... no. The Western Steppe Herders' most important contribution to European history (besides some not-insignificant quantities of genetic material, granted) was domesticating the horse. That innovation spread laterally to just about every other Old World civilization within a few centuries (faster by far for those who lived closer to the Steppe). While WSH got pretty damn far on the backs of their technological advantage, most places either assimilated them or turned them out after a few generations. The Aryans who invaded the Indus River Valley were successful beyond their wildest imagination largely thanks to the foundational work already done by the Indus River Valley Civilization on the Dravidians. But that's another story for another time.
JesusSupporter33 on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
> indo Europeans

I keep seeing this term pop up recently. Stop using it. It means "indian European" which I'm sure is going to be used as a stepping stone to absolute nonsense in the very near future.

"Indo-Europeans" are the Aryans who went to India and interbred with them. That is it. The Aryans who stayed in Turkic lands, migrated to Persia, the ME, Europe, Greece, Europe, ect, ARE NOT RELATED TO "INDO" WHATSOEVER.
devotech2 on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
It's just a macro group. Europeans and the (formerly) aryan Indians are the most numerous descendants of the yamnaya and the most directly descended from them in culture. Saying indo-central asian-western chinese-european-Iranian would not roll off the tongue too well.
JesusSupporter33 on
30 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
It's like taking 2 squirts of blue paint, mixing one with black and claiming the other that's still blue came from the blackened one. Indo-Aryans and Euro-Aryans are two totally distinct and separate groups that merely share a prehistoric common ancestor. Indo-Aryans are still in India. We did not come from India.

Mark my words, in 20 years this new "Indo-European" garbage is going to turn into "white people came from India."

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