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I'm scrolling through indeed. It's all 3 years experience, 5 years experience required. Licenses required. Blah blah. There don't seem to be any unskilled labor jobs which are what I always used to fall back on.

The jobs I have applied for don't respond. Farms don't seem to hire. There's various hard labor jobs but they only pay like 14 an hour.

All the old people parrot this "nobody wants to work" crap.

Well, where the fuck can I find some real motherfucking work that doesn't pay less than a living wage? Fucking 1 br apts are 1800+ a month and I'm not paying that on 500 a week.

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TakenusernameA on
1 month ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
Its literally insane, not only do you need a degree (unless you get lucky and get hired by a tech startup while in high school), but now they expect you to have 5 years of experience in software that has only existed for 3 years, 20 different certifications, and a load of reference just to get in the door. I'm half joking, but its still ridiculous.
americathegr888 on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
The interviews are also fucking insane, if you do get one. It's common for them to do 3-5 rounds of interviews, but I had one position where they wanted NINE fucking separate interviews. It took a total of 11 hours over the course of a week.
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