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I'm scrolling through indeed. It's all 3 years experience, 5 years experience required. Licenses required. Blah blah. There don't seem to be any unskilled labor jobs which are what I always used to fall back on.

The jobs I have applied for don't respond. Farms don't seem to hire. There's various hard labor jobs but they only pay like 14 an hour.

All the old people parrot this "nobody wants to work" crap.

Well, where the fuck can I find some real motherfucking work that doesn't pay less than a living wage? Fucking 1 br apts are 1800+ a month and I'm not paying that on 500 a week.

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TakenusernameA on
1 month ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror )
Its the exact same thing for me, the jews and their pajeet golems have utterly locked whites out of the market. In the long run, it may end up being a good thing, because they have both completely parasitized the system, and it will eventually die as a result. Whites need to go back to our Christian roots and form a parallel society that completely rejects the (((world))), because it will be the only way we survive the coming collapse and inevitable racial anarchy.
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