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I'm scrolling through indeed. It's all 3 years experience, 5 years experience required. Licenses required. Blah blah. There don't seem to be any unskilled labor jobs which are what I always used to fall back on.

The jobs I have applied for don't respond. Farms don't seem to hire. There's various hard labor jobs but they only pay like 14 an hour.

All the old people parrot this "nobody wants to work" crap.

Well, where the fuck can I find some real motherfucking work that doesn't pay less than a living wage? Fucking 1 br apts are 1800+ a month and I'm not paying that on 500 a week.

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OstFronter on
1 month ago 8 points (+0 / -0 / +8Score on mirror ) 1 child
I could definitely live like that.

The problem is no decent white woman would be living like that.
Brannvesen on
1 month ago 12 points (+0 / -0 / +12Score on mirror )
Pajeets do it for the money, western wages can be as high as 20-100x more than what it is back in pajeetistan. And that's the breadcrumbs they pay pajeets. We don't have that kind of luxury to travel abroad and earn a shitload of money. The only exception would be working on some offshore oil rig.
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