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If you could create a your own Orania, how would it look for you?

I would make a Medieval peasant village with no modern technology. The religion would be racist Christian Identity. All men have to have beards and be armed to the teeth. All Biblical laws to be enforced, regardless of ZOG. No modern medicine, only natural medicine. Only natural food. The official sports will be barbell training, combat martial arts, and shooting guns.
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mommamany on
19 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Fellow followers of Christ, limited technology, traditional homes with father providers and mother nurturers. I'd leave the hunting, gathering, protecting and defending to my husband and other men. I'd be happy organizing one room schoolhouses and 'co-op- learning for mamas and children. In addition to a classical Christian education, we'd also teach skills like sewing, crochet, knitting, gardening, preserving, animal husbandry, etiquette, how to be a supportive wife and help mate.

And, of course, babies. Babies everywhere!
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