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Brannvesen on
3 months ago3 points(+0/-0/+3Score on mirror)
I'd use Churches and castles as foundation for development of the settlements, the distance between each settlement should be walking/marching distance. Each settlement will be restricted in size in terms of land use to prevent sprawl out of walking distance, this ensures nobody will have to depend on any type of vehicle.
Governing will be done in the form of a king/dictator/leader and each settlement will be independent in governing. There will be a constitution and every leader are required to obey by those laws, at any time the people of any settlement can hold a vote, shall we hang the leader for abusing their power and if a majority votes yes then so be it.
To live in any of the settlements you must agree to the constitution and the fundamental ideology which is all about keeping the whole country high trust. No incompatible races allowed, no (((parasites))), absolutely no jews.
Keep technology as conservative as possible, adopt only non degenerate technology and try to be innovative, develop new technology that is independent and free from (((their))) control, assuming israel still exist.
Make each settlement decentralized and independent, each settlement should also have nukes, and every citizen should be armed. If (((they))) try anything, all settlements will independently nuke israel.
Look into the coupon based currency of Orania, seems like a cleaver way to stop thief's and other (((parasites))) from fucking around. Use a combination of Gold and Bitcoin as reserve and keep it safe inside a vault under the Church/castle.
Governing will be done in the form of a king/dictator/leader and each settlement will be independent in governing. There will be a constitution and every leader are required to obey by those laws, at any time the people of any settlement can hold a vote, shall we hang the leader for abusing their power and if a majority votes yes then so be it.
To live in any of the settlements you must agree to the constitution and the fundamental ideology which is all about keeping the whole country high trust. No incompatible races allowed, no (((parasites))), absolutely no jews.
Keep technology as conservative as possible, adopt only non degenerate technology and try to be innovative, develop new technology that is independent and free from (((their))) control, assuming israel still exist.
Make each settlement decentralized and independent, each settlement should also have nukes, and every citizen should be armed. If (((they))) try anything, all settlements will independently nuke israel.
Look into the coupon based currency of Orania, seems like a cleaver way to stop thief's and other (((parasites))) from fucking around. Use a combination of Gold and Bitcoin as reserve and keep it safe inside a vault under the Church/castle.