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JesusSupporter33 on
30 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
I had a string of arguments with him and his ilk in the February of this year.

They started it by passive aggressively insulting me after I made a comment saying that both work and faith contribute toward salvation, not strictly one or the other. They were speaking among each other in the thread saying that I was stupid and didn't read the bible.

I argued with almost every one of them and they were all very rude people, calling me stupid, illiterate, unable to understand scripture. By their very own standards, I am just as Christian as they are, as I am baptized and confess Christ to be my master. But they wag their finger and screech thou fool at me if I suggest that work and faith is required of a Christian. Swampranger told me that he is "righteous beyond measure." I suspect that he believes himself to be a prophet.

I eventually made a post and they all backtracked and said "we never said any of that!!" "You misunderstood what we were saying."

Then they immediately started calling me a retard again lmao.

There is no point in arguing with them unless you want practice debating jews. They are all very legalistic and their theology is deceptive.
CrusaderPepe on
30 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
Yeah, both Swamp Jew and CuomoIsAJew, and their Judaizer minions, will gaslight you, reframe and redefine everything, and then accuse you of having bad reading comprehension and being uncharitable because you call them out on their lies.

I feel like Swamp Jew is like the main antagonist and weaver of the reframed, redefined, dialectic reality, and CuomoIsAJew and their minions just say things like "Can't you read? Everything Swamp Jew just said makes perfect sense. Why can't you just respond to his points? You're not even talking about the same thing!" After, of course, Swamp Jew totally straw mans, reframes, gaslights and creates an incomprehensible dialectic that no sane person can untangle.

c/Christianity exists to drive intelligent, logical people insane.
JesusSupporter33 on
30 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
Swamp jew makes literally no sense, ever. He writes like if PKVI found Jesus during a meth binge.

It's a very peculiar situation with that group, and I'm not convinced these accounts aren't all controlled by the same deluded person. Luckily their arrogant gibberish drives off anybody who accidently stumbles upon their forum.
CrusaderPepe on
30 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
Lol yeah, I suspect that Swamp Jew actually controls multiple accounts, and is just using that forum to stroke his narcissistic ego.
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