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Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
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# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom A New System](
In this weekly, we consoom a new a system. What ‘new system’? Suppose the masses learn just how bad things are and recognize the true demons who rule over us. Where do we go from there? Many might fantasize about seeing the old guards’ heads roll in a romantic battle of good vs evil. Realistically and ideally a non-violent reckoning would ensue. Possibly in the formation of new systems adopted from a parallel society if you will, that is a society not dependent on official channels of communication, or the hierarchy of values of the establishment. The classic Ivan Jirous line of thought. These new systems don’t have to be major world-changing political parties. These new systems are as simple as making your own social media website, starting a local club, or being an entrepreneur.
These are the kinds of ideas this weekly is about.
Discussion ideas:
* Share alternatives of interest or suggest ‘new systems’.
* Do you think creating new systems will work or do you have to work within the establishment?
* If you believe none of this matters and would argue you can’t change the world for the better, what should you do or can you do instead? E.g., Have a large happy family, workout, and enjoy the short time you have in this world, things to that nature?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (11-20)](◀
* [Suggest a new weekly theme to be added to the list]( NOTE: Thank you for the new suggestions keep them coming.
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Master List](
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