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posted 4 months ago by derjudenjager on (+0 / -0 / +65Score on mirror )
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devotech2 on
4 months ago 17 points (+0 / -0 / +17Score on mirror ) 2 children
Elche is one of the cities here that these parasites will commonly arrive at on their destiny to somewhere else because it's on the southeast coast. Even though they don't typically stay here, which I'm thankful for, they still cause a shitstorm whenever they move through spain like herds of wildebeests.

The biggest problem that whites everywhere seem to have with attacks like these is just standing around like retards, mouth agape. It happens with nigger violence in the US, the UK, Spain, France, Germany. Anywhere you can think of except maybe eastern europe. Instead of actually doing something everyone just watches like retards or films it (though I don't quite blame a *woman* for filming something as evidence, in this scenario, it's often men and this is pathetic behavior from a man).

It doesn't matter if it's 1 subhuman or 100, whites just stand there dumbfounded and stare at what's happening. If it happened in China they'd be ganged up on and murdered at about a 10x1 ratio of chinaman vs nigger.

What I speculate is going on here is the feeling of individualism that has effectively ingrained itself into the, specifically western, white psyche since the enlightenment. "It's not me, I'm my own person" mentality. Western whites have absolutely no sense of community or racial identity and it stems from the plague of individualism and libertarianism. Spain isn't typically thought of as an enlightenment country, but the entire west was, Spain included. Nothing east of Poland was exempt at all. These ideas built up over time into outright poison.

The difference with eastern whites, on the other hand, is because the Russian empire did not really feel the effects of the enlightenment, even though it did hit Russia, it was incredibly subdued vs what it did in the west. Individualism was never a thing in Eastern Europe. Furthermore, communism was collectivist, and for all the damage it did, it *did* continue to foster a sense of community and identity as a people vs as individual persons that has proven effective.

Collectivism beats individualism when it concerns survival of your people. Collectivism is also right wing, going beyond that, Collectivism is even entirely reactionary. Soviet communism maintaining Collectivism was essentially a glitch in the system, and as such modern cuckservatives now view collectivism as leftist, but even Marx himself was not collectivist *in the slightest*. The monarchy of France was collectivist, the jacobins were individualist, they both even described themselves as such. This was the original line of where right wing and reactionary vs left wing and revolutionary was drawn in the sand.

Here's the bottom line: western whites are selfish when it concerns our own people, both in politics and in regular life. We have absolutely no bias towards our own because collectivism has been "bred out of us" by liberal ideology. There is no sense of community. This isn't a fellow spaniard being attacked by aliens, it's just unfortunate happenstance and rowdy folks. It ain't me, I don't have to worry about it. I'll just gawk at it because it's mildly surprising.

Vlad_The_Impaler on
4 months ago 9 points (+0 / -0 / +9Score on mirror )

And I had white people yelling at me to put a dust mask on.

White people bitching to HR I didn't have a mask on or fake vaccine cost me a lucrative office job and career.

I sort of want the white democrats to get eaten by the niggers and spics and sand niggers they begged for.

Rather than risk my own hide to save some white man, I just assume he's a faggot or wore a bitch mask 3 years ago.
ReChristianize on
4 months ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror )
Nauseating, but good analysis.
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