There used to be this spot in the schoolyard known as the piss corner, it is self explanatory what happened there.
Why do niggers smell like hundreds of teenage boys pissing into a corner for years on end with a dash of cocoa butter?
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GoldenInnosStatue on
4 months ago0 points(+0/-0)1 child
the thing is, the ancient aztecs? they're long extinct, the spanish spics have already race mixed them to oblivion until no true native blood remained
the jungle monkeys of brazil were forcibly race mixed to african niggers to create a more subserviant stock of nigger slaves for the (((plantation owners)))
again, they are no longer true natives in that sense and just a collection of mongrel niggers
American Niggers too, they're not true niggers, every american nigger got some jew blood in their DNA, thus they are more prone to evil than the average african nigger (who are literal savages that cook their food in motor oil)
What I'm telling you is that you have to make these distinctions if you want to hate them properly. Mexi-Niggers? Hate em. Niggers? Hate em. Mayan-Niggers, hate em.
the jungle monkeys of brazil were forcibly race mixed to african niggers to create a more subserviant stock of nigger slaves for the (((plantation owners)))
again, they are no longer true natives in that sense and just a collection of mongrel niggers
American Niggers too, they're not true niggers, every american nigger got some jew blood in their DNA, thus they are more prone to evil than the average african nigger (who are literal savages that cook their food in motor oil)