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All they can do is keep shutting down our safe-space websites until another one (or three) pop up as a result: Almost like a Kike-hating Hydra of sorts.
Your censorship efforts are for nothing, kikes.
What you are doing only emboldens us and causes me/us to study your tactics/ideologies even more.
Sure, you shut down website by website, but there's a sleeping giant beneath your hairy, size 6 feet. He will awake soon enough, and you won't know brutality until that very moment.
Be warned.
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3 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
i have a feeling that we're gonna get so small at some point that we're going to move to nearly untrackable means (that would otherwise have issues with scale) and start talking about stuff that's tangibly harmful to kikes
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