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posted 1 year ago by [deleted] (+3 / -5 )
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1 year ago 2 points (+3 / -1 ) 1 child
Whats this gay fractal shit? Some idiot at work lost an argument with me about Jesus and started rambling on about "oMg uNivRsAl PaTtErN! fRaCtAlS" like it was some kind of religion.
Do you worship a geometric shape that commonly occurs in nature?
Anyways, other than the anti-christian bullshit I agree with the rest.
1 year ago 1 point (+2 / -1 ) 1 child
He's a "monk"
deleted 1 year ago 0 points (+1 / -1 )
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1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Given the downvotes, I'd surmise even a little truth hurts them fee-fees mightily!
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