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posted 9 months ago by dances_with_ibprofen on (+0 / -0 / +129Score on mirror )
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exarch on
9 months ago 14 points (+0 / -0 / +14Score on mirror ) 1 child
> There are some blacks at the high end of the bell curve

That’s certainly true. Whenever I talk about any group-level differences, there are always exceptions.

 If I point out that men, as a group, are stronger, that doesn’t mean there are no strong women and no weak men. If I point out that pit bulls, as a group, are dangerous, that doesn’t mean there are no dangerous poodles and no docile pits.

When we talk about systems though, we have to talk about groups. You have to design systems to accommodate group characteristics, even though there are individual exceptions.

Our legal system, including things like courts and licensing bodies, are designed by and for white people … *even though there are white people too stupid to participate*. They aren’t designed for, and don’t function well, with black people … *even though there are some blacks who fit in*

One last thing: what I’m saying here isn’t hatred of black people. I could make the same argument about whites and East Asians. Japanese culture is designed by and for the Japanese. That culture wouldn’t work if you imposed it on a large group of whites. Saying that isn’t hatred of whites, it’s just acknowledging the truth.
AgnosticTemplar on
9 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
I agree with everything you're saying, just pointing out that in this specific example, it was a black guy who upheld the basic standards of decorum, in case you hadn't watched the video and was just commenting on OP's image. You really should, if you haven't. The slow realization of how much that buffoon fucked himself as the judge walked him through everything was great.
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