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posted 7 months ago by PraiseBeToScience on (+0 / -0 / +51Score on mirror )
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PraiseBeToScience on
7 months ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
It's their twisted logic that the "feds" are doing this to 'keep the narrative of White Supremacy alive'.


A) The news has been whining about that for years forever, and nobody cares about that narrative anymore, and

B) You don't do that by peacefully, harmlessly, holding a sign, and nothing else.


C) Feds don't actually do shit. It's like people don't know what informants are for. No, the "feds" don't infiltrate biker meth cartels by wearing masks, they get some scuzzy biker they picked up for distribution to rat people out. No masks involved, in fact, they know him.

Oh... also:

D) Who gives a fuck if they do, what kind of niggerlip shitbitch is afraid of the news reporting gay bullshit? Especially if you're a Trump supporter, what, was the last literal ten straight years of the news lying okay by you, but 'muh White Supremes' is just a step too far?

Ultimately this is all part of my unified 'conspiracy theory', which is that for decades the government has been poisoning the brains of conservatives with increasingly contrived, stupid bullshit, to such an extent that they can't make sense of reality anymore. It's why conspiracy theories used to be weird "fun" things like Roswell Aliens, then it turned into "grounded" things like the government lying about things like wars and foreign government motivations, and then mutated into insane things like "Bill Gates said he's going to depopulate the planet with vaccines" (FYI for those here, he never said it, it was literally a fake article which is why you only see screenshots of it).

All of it churns a broader narrative to basically mentally imprison anyone on the right into saying batshit stuff that limits their ability to 'recruit', as well as filling them with such an overwhelming sense of paranoia and distrust that they won't plan or collaborate on anything, won't demonstrate, won't do shit, and spend literally years of their life backstabbing each other and infighting, which is time spent *not* causing problems for the government.
OstFronter on
7 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
>mutated into insane things like "Bill Gates said he's going to depopulate the planet with vaccines"

He actually did say that. There is a video of it. He was talking on stage and looked like he was talking to college kids. To me it seems like he either misspoke or accidentally said something he wasn't supposed to because his tone and mannerisms changed a little when he said it.

No I don't have the video. He was talking about over population.

It went something like "we can reduce population with X, Y, Z, vaccinations, A, B."
PraiseBeToScience on
7 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
This is literally my point.

He's spoken about it a lot but one of them was a TED talk where he was making the case that people have to do of kids in the third world because of high infant mortality. He was saying that vaccinations against common diseases would decrease mortality rates so they'd have fewer kids and populations would stabilize.

Normal and even intelligent people who you tell this "depopulation" shit to can look up what you're talking about, and listen to Bill Gates talking, and go "uh... he's making sense. This isn't some kind of extermination program."

They will then forever dismiss you as an imbecile who has drank internet Retard Juice. And they'll even find themselves supporting speech controls on 'misinformation' to stop you from spreading bullshit.

And something like what he's describing was common in White populations too: as infant mortality dropped due to hygiene, healthcare, etc. and demand for child/family labor decreased (think working a farm then vs. now), so did birthrates.

The article frequently posted that uses the term "depopulation" was a fake. But it's believed in a way that reeks of "I just want to be mad". And there's probably millions of people who have been psyopped into some Bill Gates hysteria and they don't even know what they're saying is stupid.

I think Bill Gates is mostly a well-meaning Useful Idiot who is being manipulated and used. And I think his idea that nigs will stop breeding is comically absurd because even in the West they can't stop.

But it isn't and has never been "depopulation" as some kind of evil satanic claim spawned from the Georgia Guidestones to murder billions. And even if it was he completely failed at it so far anyway.
OstFronter on
7 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
>The world today has 6.8 billion people, that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10-15%.

PraiseBeToScience on
7 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Yes, that is clearly talking about curbing the projected spike.
OstFronter on
7 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
If you poison a women so they're incapable of having children, is that depopulation or "curbing projected pregnancy"?
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