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posted 3 years ago by HingusTheBungus (+6 / -0 ) Edited 2022-02-24 06:18:35
I noticed that a lot of us are straight up running away, and all I can say is: stop. This is the fatal flaw with us, our current tactic isn't to fight till the end, but to just hop to cleaner water when piss fills the pond. Wouldn't it just make sense to attack the (((ones))) peeing on us? Win is still our turf, even if it's more normalfagged than before. We already had ConPro restored, so it's time we fight back against these ungodly menaces. Ban them a thousand times over, log their ISPs and IPs and bombard any future accounts with "YWNBAW".
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3 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
an actual conpro admin hosting the site should fare us much better than depending on some unknown guy
and if elvis somehow falls too we're gonna have to start thinking outside the box
3 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
We need to continue the creation of some "offline" like communication protocols.. Not exactly offline, but between servers, without a domain name.
I have been contemplating the PubSub method from Redis for sometime, and I think that it could be pretty interesting.
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