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weebduke on
8 months ago-8 points(+0/-1/-7Score on mirror)
Northern Caspian Steppe hunter gatherers weren't your Aryan race with permanent inability to handle sunlight because muh cumskin. Bred horses, drank milk, worshipped Dyeus Pehtr, grew muscular with sun-kissed skin.
Once a bad drought hit they spread out as far as the British Isles and Northern India bringing Proto-Indo-European culture with them. Aryan wouldn't even become a term until Indo-Iranians language group became their own thing a couple thousand years laters. Then some culture-dead kraut would adopt it thinking Aryans were their ancestors and their Yankee sympathizers to force-breed white women.
Once a bad drought hit they spread out as far as the British Isles and Northern India bringing Proto-Indo-European culture with them. Aryan wouldn't even become a term until Indo-Iranians language group became their own thing a couple thousand years laters. Then some culture-dead kraut would adopt it thinking Aryans were their ancestors and their Yankee sympathizers to force-breed white women.