8 months ago3 points(+0/-0/+3Score on mirror)1 child
I kind of expected that. You didn't really believe we come from Adam and Eve, or small tribes from the Middle East, right?
The very nature of what we are suggests that we had to exist and evolve for hundred thousands of years in climates that had winters. Not some permanently frozen tundra, it had to have seasons, where we had to develop the intellectual capability to survive winters, and acquire resources in the warm seasons, and then store and manage them. Or at least be some cold tundra that was hard to survive in.
Our skin is White due to the lower average exposure to sunlight. It must have been among the lowest possible averages where survival was still possible.
The entirety of Europe, most of North America and Asia is that place. The rest is doomed to have had humanoids evolve into some pedigree of nigger - Arabs, aboriginals, literal Africa niggers, Indians, dark skinned Orientals, and the entire trash that roamed around in America.
If we "came from" the Middle East, it must have been a relatively short visit spanning a few millennia max. And it probably was only a fraction of Caucasians.
8 months ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)1 child
If you ignore humans... where did every other animal come from? Plants, fish, corals, fungi, bacteria, viruses? Did they develop on their own, and only we have put into existence overnight? And what about niggers, aboriginals, Arabs and Indians?
See, no matter what, the same answer must apply to all life. Did everything on Earth exist overnight, or did it develop over billions of years?
Rationalize a mechanism that constantly reduces aspecies population, and then explain how said process instead grows it.
Is your thought process that a single cell held all the biodiversity we enjoy? And that while presumably competing over the same resources, diverted into predator/prey?
Northern Caspian Steppe hunter gatherers weren't your Aryan race with permanent inability to handle sunlight because muh cumskin. Bred horses, drank milk, worshipped Dyeus Pehtr, grew muscular with sun-kissed skin.
Once a bad drought hit they spread out as far as the British Isles and Northern India bringing Proto-Indo-European culture with them. Aryan wouldn't even become a term until Indo-Iranians language group became their own thing a couple thousand years laters. Then some culture-dead kraut would adopt it thinking Aryans were their ancestors and their Yankee sympathizers to force-breed white women.