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whatlike_withacloth on
11 months ago0 points(+0/-0)1 child
Well yea. That's specifically why I followed "repentance" up there with "renouncement of the lifestyle." Others might put it something like, oh, I dunno, maybe "Go forth and sin no more."
God's patience is infinite (or certainly greater than our comprehension, so who's counting?). Your life is not. At some point you can't go forth and do anything anymore, and no one knows when their time is up, so you'd best be right with God at all times. But if you're not, there's still time to get right. Until there's not.
I'm honestly convinced jews are more hopeless than homos, but neither show much sign of redemption by and large (talking angels on the head of a pin as to which group is less redeemable). So idk maybe. God's Will be done.
God's patience is infinite (or certainly greater than our comprehension, so who's counting?). Your life is not. At some point you can't go forth and do anything anymore, and no one knows when their time is up, so you'd best be right with God at all times. But if you're not, there's still time to get right. Until there's not.