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SenecioBarbertonicus on
9 months ago3 points(+0/-0/+3Score on mirror)
I remember I almost invested in Gab. As in, I genuinely thought about putting a few grand into it. But whatever email I got from them a year or two ago was kind of lame, no explanation at all about what kind of return I would see or anything like that, timeline, etc. Reallllly glad I didn’t, Torba is seeming pretty suspicious at the moment.
As for Owen, I don’t know how I never made the connection before, considering his literal name, that huge fucking schnoz, his monthly schizophrenic breakdowns, fleecing his followers for nice land to “camp whenever you want”.
As for Owen, I don’t know how I never made the connection before, considering his literal name, that huge fucking schnoz, his monthly schizophrenic breakdowns, fleecing his followers for nice land to “camp whenever you want”.