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posted 2 months ago by CulturalPhilistine on (+0 / -0 / +58Score on mirror )
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Gumball on
2 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
lol. If we're having a real talk here, I was born into and grew up in the same culture that so many grew up in here in the US (assuming you're from the US, too, if you're not, my apologies). I was once a normie and as a normie whenever I'd encounter "conspiracy theories" I always hand-waved them away because I thought they were just fringe nutjobs on the internet. I never thought I'd become one of them. Now, as "one of them," I realize they were never crazy to begin with. I'm no lunatic, I'm just more (and actually) educated, rather than fully propagandized too.

I think it's where a lot of us get lost when we look at things. Yes, there are a lot of really stupid people out there in the world, I will never argue that, but there are also a lot of people who are simply brainwashed to the point that they're conditioned to react to "red pills," so to speak, negatively. They're convinced that the news and government and wikipedia are God, and if those places don't verify what "some nutjob on the internet" tells them, then it's not real.

Just last night, I can't even recall why I was looking it up, but I was curious about the history of some of the people who work for Tim Pool and when I looked up Hannah Clair Brimelow, I came across a Wikipedia article about her father, Peter Brimelow, someone I knew nothing about. The first fucking paragraph:

*"Peter Brimelow (born October 13, 1947) is an American white supremacist writer.[1][2][3][4] He is the founder of the website VDARE, an anti-immigration site associated with white supremacy,[5][5] white nationalism,[6][7][8][9][10] and the alt-right.[11][12][13]"*

You, me, most people on these forums, know that Wikipedia is mostly bullshit and know that when they read a wild description like that, that it's most likely bullshit, but normies? Nope. If you told a normie to go watch something as milquetoast as Tim Pool and they did the slightest research of panelists, they'd come back to you and say, "I'm not watching this anymore, he has Nazis and white supremes on his show. He's probably a white supreme, too."

When (((they))) control an overwhelming majority of all the institutions, of course they're going to cultivate an environment that propagandizes people into believing in the "authority" that they -want- to be the authority. Operation Trust is a 100-year-old example of that, while the modern version is "Trust the mainstream media because they're authoritative, trust the government because they care about you, trust the doctors and scientists because they're all in it because they care about people, trust the cops because they're only here to serve and protect, and if anyone tells you otherwise, well, they're just dangerous domestic terrorist conspiracy theorist nutjobs controlled by Russia, China and Glingor the demon spirit of Uranus trying to undermine OUR DEMOCRACY!"

I harbor ill-will toward normies, but I'm also well aware of the absolute labyrinthian clusterfuck they're trapped in that's not easy to escape from. I can't even recall what it was or exactly when it was that I was able to escape the Matrix, so to speak, but I'm glad I did, even if it means seeing just how evil reality really is. Ironically enough, it may have really taken shape while witnessing the absolute incessant, non-stop bullshit levied at Trump and thinking, "Am I in bizarro world?" Of course, now I'm well aware how jew-cucked Trump is because he'll never be "the" guy we need to course correct. He's nothing more than a mirage of what actually needs to happen.
HimmlerWasRight88 on
2 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Trusting the group is an evolutionary advantage. In the stone age if your tribe tells you to not eat those berries or to stand over there with a spear, you'll live longer if you just do what you're told without questions.

Some people have a more rational, and less social, personality, and this is why we are here. Everyone on here probably has more or less the same personality.

The funny thing is, a society made only with people like us would not work. We'd be at each others' throat. We need normies and "gullible" people.
I'm ready to bet nobody on this forum is a nurse or a veterinarian or a carer or a teacher. But a society needs that kind of people too.
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