You wanna see Hitler all over TikTok influencing the masses? Hearing excerpts of his speeches in perfect English, as he lays out the same problems we are dealing with today, it’ll burn into the minds of the youth, and for sure, a few of the older cuckservatives will be forced to grapple with reality..
Someone desperately needs to take all of Hitler’s speeches and do exactly what was done in this video ASAP.
I've seen a similar but older vid and it's been worse than this one. It seems the AI still loses some features of his voice, I'm sure it'll get even better in time
Some unsolicited advice: Learn French, not German. The Germans hate themselves for (((reasons))) so many of them won't speak German with you. The French don't (((yet))).
Oh nonono... it's quite good. Always remember, everything you see today is the worst version of the thing. Over time it can only improve or stay as it is.
It's because the translation is jank, you cant just translate like this without doing some rephrasing, while the meaning of the words is correct, the emotion and emphasis is removed.
10 months ago7 points(+0/-0/+7Score on mirror)1 child
Idk about regular….that dude had charisma few others possess. But yeah, the way he spoke about the issues average Germans were dealing with had a sincerity that couldn’t be faked.