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Many, even most are Loyal to themselves.
Loyal to themselves in the sense of Maximizing Pleasure.
Some are Loyal to their Nation, Patriots they call them.
Some are Loyal to virtue signaling and serving foreigners.
Many are Loyal to the Economy.
A few are Loyal to an Ideology, or a Politic.
The Best, and most Natural are Loyal to their Race.
The Racial Loyalists have to know that they are outnumbered, and they need to convince others to switch their Loyalties.
For those that cannot be converted, they can only be Manipulated.
If you question people on their Loyalty, they generally do not have a good reason for it, they have just kind of defaulted to it, and these are the easy ones to convert.
The rest are just Selfish, or Idiots and most of them will not be converted.. But selfishness is exploitable. As is Stupidity.
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3 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
White Women are the most loyal of any Race. 1.5% I think.
No wonder they have to make 90% of Couples on TV Black, and White.
Sad to say, it will work some. Gen to Gen. We need to stop it in the next 5 uears. Replace it with our own Media, and Ads.
3 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Yes.. do you think that white genocide maybe is a little bit of a media fabrication tho, i know they say once you get below 2.2 (or something) replacement your race is screwed but is that really true if there will always be people who have white european racial solidarity? There will always be some. May be wrong.
3 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
If you look at our numbers as a whole, I think that we are about 900 Million or so.
Our percentages have dropped, in comparison to other Races, but we are also at a new high, I think for the total White population worldwide. Our decrease in Population is mostly our own fault..
We have helped other Races so much, their Birth rates have exploded. Before we interfered they had very high infant mortality rates, and lower avg lifespan,.. But without medicine, sanitation, education, those numbers have improved, and they are now breeding like rabbits.
As for the Question of Genocide.. it is clear that they want to Genocide us, their media, and propoganda alone.. as well as their assault on our roots is clear indication of this.
To genocide a people they must first do away with our heroes, customs, philosophy, religions, culture, pride.. and so on.
But the mere act of flooding our nations with Brown people is not Genocide itself, however coupled with the other actions it will lead to it.
The flooding is mostly for Political power.. Brown people vote for Authoratarian, and gibs.. and also they make for Legal slave labor, to serve the GDP
If we consider places like Brasil.. we see that Whites have been a minority for decades, but there are still Ethno Villages maintaining Homogeneity.
One of the biggest challenges facing us is our own Morality,.. and our Nihilism, lack of duty.
If we refuse to breed, when the situation is not ideal, we will self genocide.
If young Men will only breed if they find the perfect mate, who is also a virgin.. we will be in trouble very soon.
This is why I support Lebonsborn type programs, and even Eugenic Polygamy.. they are not always approporiate, but in a time like this, they can help a lot
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