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As an example of what i mean, it's been joked about for a while that arthur, the protagonist of the video game red dead redemption 2, is unreasonably "woke" "Progressive" and leftist, or in one word, marxist, for a man of his background, during that time. We are talking about an outlaw in the late 1800s who virtue signals about how he's friends with everyone of every race, drops everything he's doing to help a black doctor who got his wagon stolen while mumbling to himself about how unjust it all is, helps a feminist rally, etc. American krogan made a fantastic video on it that i believe is still on youtube, a great takedown of what is widely talked about as one of the "Greatest video games ever" if you wish to see more.

Now most people on the actual right have correctly called this out and the fact that it is obviously just a case of the writers self inserting and introducing their own 21st century political views into the character. Yet the answer to that from enjoyers of the game and leftists is that the leader of the outlaw gang taught them to be cultural marxist "progressives", colorblind feminists, etc because that is the leader's ideology.

It is like they cannot view the message from beyond the game's scope, and they think this character is a real person and a product of his environment, not a work of fiction and a vehicle for the writer's views and opinions. What causes this?
posted 1 month ago by Marechal_Suchet on (+0 / -0 / +8Score on mirror )
Noticing a new trend in commercials.

Interracial couple with White woman and typically black man and the White woman does foolish thing.

This echos from a few decades ago when White Man of couple does foolish thing. I know this led White men to Notice.

Will it happen? Probably no, but the past few years I've seen things that I never expected to see.
SS-Obersturmbannführer West (
posted 1 month ago by Delon on (+0 / -0 / +93Score on mirror )
Home defense (
posted 1 month ago by BlippiIsAPedo on (+0 / -0 / +9Score on mirror )
posted 1 month ago by pkvi_starlink on (+0 / -0 / +22Score on mirror )
Hate on display (
posted 1 month ago by derjudenjager on (+0 / -0 / +67Score on mirror )
posted 1 month ago by XBX_X on (+0 / -0 / +97Score on mirror )
posted 1 month ago by XBX_X on (+0 / -0 / +44Score on mirror )
We do a little trolling. (
posted 1 month ago by derkevevin on (+0 / -0 / +39Score on mirror )
kanye..? (
posted 1 month ago by Coronelington on (+0 / -0 / +29Score on mirror )
posted 1 month ago by derjudenjager on (+1 / -0 / +22Score on mirror )
posted 1 month ago by DeplorableGerman on (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
Looking for Soundtrack Source (
posted 1 month ago by AuntieSamItis on (+0 / -0 / +7Score on mirror )
posted 1 month ago by BlackPillBot on (+0 / -0 / +17Score on mirror )
When their protagonist was lead actor, crickets. *"He's doing a great job!"*

Now that orange man has reactivated their TDS, they can't fucking shut up, and tie everything bad they hear back to him somehow.

biden in office: *"No, I really don't want to talk politics..."*

trumpo elected: *"OMG have you seen THIS!?!?!?!? Lets make a fuss about everything that's happening now!!! OMG!!!"*

This is a boomer, so I don't expect much, but holy fuck they're politically stupid. I've proven this individual wrong over and over and over and over and over again. Not opinions. Proof. I've shown them third position. I've shown them trump is just a puppet for them to hate. I have given this individual all the resources necessary explaining what's happening, how long it's been going on and who the perpetrators are...

*"Alright, yeah I get that. But biden was at least a good hearted person and trump is a piece of shit! Have you seen the price of eggs!?!?!?! That's his fault!!!"*

Endless fucking sighs over here, gentlemen. These people don't just love their theater, they're in platos cave.

I understand Hitlers position of needing the fervor and zealotry of the left. They'll push reason aside and be total retards for their brand. If only we could make NatSoc their brand...
Make your choice (
posted 1 month ago by MLJFireDragon747 on (+0 / -0 / +66Score on mirror )
posted 1 month ago by XBX_X on (+0 / -0 / +66Score on mirror )
posted 1 month ago by Conspirologist on (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror )
posted 1 month ago by XBX_X on (+0 / -0 / +13Score on mirror )
posted 1 month ago by Conspirologist on (+0 / -0 / +34Score on mirror )
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