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posted 1 month ago by BlackPillBot on (+0 / -0 / +21Score on mirror )
What happens to unbaptized children. Surely Our Father would not damn them to hell for the failings of their parents and the society that raised their parents and their parent's parents.

Oh Lord, please do not damn unbaptized children to hell. It is too cruel a thought.
posted 1 month ago by RJ567 on (+0 / -0 / +42Score on mirror )

> “To remain indifferent to good fortune or to adversity by accepting it all from the hand of God without questioning, not to ask for things to be done as we would like them but as God wishes, to make the intention of all our prayers that God’s will should be perfectly accomplished in ourselves and in all creatures is to find the secret of happiness and content.”
posted 1 month ago by RJ567 on (+0 / -0 / +84Score on mirror )
So I got downvoted into oblivion on a post about socialism because I think that socialism is doomed to fail no matter what form, even national socialism.

Explain why national socialism is a better economic system than libertarian capitalism, assuming a white, Christian* ethnostate.

*Preferably Catholic and Orthodox, not butt-fucking Protestants
posted 1 month ago by ProductConnoisseur on (+0 / -0 / +48Score on mirror )
Higher IQ (
posted 1 month ago by derjudenjager on (+0 / -0 / +68Score on mirror )
posted 1 month ago by Conspirologist on (+0 / -0 / +60Score on mirror )
Born in 1990, as an adolescent I symptahized with the left (Bush was in power, Warmongering zionist neocons, etc.). I got a little older and wiser, educated myself on leftism and white replacement, etc. Ultimately, two wings (republican/democrat) of the same bird (zionist banker jews) control the west and its fate since the 1940s (though jew shenanigans/meddling in White Western Europeana affairs are millennia old issue). In short, fuck the "right" (American MAGA, Trump is our savior faggots) and the left.

I resent both political parties. Neither represent my (white family) best interest. But, I will not allow myself to become nihilistic to the point I am suicidal or wont procreate. There are a bunch of women hating MGTOW faggots that "lean right". Dont get sucked into that ideology.

First, make yourself into a decent man. This is under your control. You have the choice between the wide and crooked path of degeneracy/nihilism or the straight and narrow path of uprightness, faithfulness, and boldness from the Lord our God. Then find a decent woman (having the Lords spirit on you will imbue you with the wisdom to intuitively sift out the trash woman) and have a big white family raised right. Rinse and repeat.

Getting sucked into nigger jew nihilism propaganda produces white people that have dogs and no children! Stay away from the jew fag nigger propaganda - it is designed to demoralize you! And there are a bunch of demoralized white men that are too black pilled to be saved.

Black pill yourself but balance it with the white pill of the Lord our God. In order to fight back we must know (black pilling) but to be successfuk we must white pill ourselves at the same time.

Learn to walk that line! This is where a balanced, healthy diet, physical exercise, sleep, and spiritual reading/meditation/prayer come into making you a physical and spiritual fortress, backed by God, that can resist the throws of this demonic world!

Stay away from nihilism black pill faggots! They are nearly all kikes! Black pill yourself but balance with the white pill! Have a big beautiful white family and fuck everything else! Be a motherfucking badass back by the Lord our God. God loves courageous, strong, bold men. The weak will be whiped out! Dont be pathetic faggot loser. Be a chad which is largely world outlook and how you carry yourself which is 100% under your control.

Fuck niggers, kikes and faggots the END!
posted 1 month ago by XBX_X on (+0 / -0 / +27Score on mirror )
posted 1 month ago by Shivananda on (+0 / -0 / +15Score on mirror )
posted 1 month ago by LawrysSeasonedSoap on (+0 / -0 / +77Score on mirror )
Argentinian meme (
posted 1 month ago by bakahed on (+0 / -0 / +32Score on mirror )
Consume the future. (
posted 1 month ago by TexasVet on (+0 / -0 / +57Score on mirror )
posted 1 month ago by Shivananda on (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
posted 1 month ago by Conspirologist on (+0 / -0 / +48Score on mirror )
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