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The Bible says "Do not love this world". Loving this world means you're appropriating it for yourself. The world was created by God, it doesn't belongs to you so you shouldn't have a say in how it works.

It's a key principle of stoicism. If you want to take over the world, you need to know what the world actually is. You must fully embrace the fact that you live in a jewish world. You are evil, because the jews won and thus are the good guys. Embrace the fact that you're evil. The jews own America and Europe so stop treating these jewish properties with respect. Be evil until your enemy is finally gone.

A better way to define "caring": You should only care about problems if they affect you, otherwise it's none of your bussiness. Smart people are capable of foreseeing problems that could affect them in the future and that's why they sometimes step in to help strangers. Stupid people can't foresee the future and that's why they think altruism is about "human rights" or "morality" and that's how they end up helping their own enemies: because they don't understand consequences and believe that "good intentions" are enough to make their actions good.
Mein Kampf 478 (
posted 24 days ago by BreadandWinePilled on (+0 / -0 / +20Score on mirror )
posted 25 days ago by derjudenjager on (+0 / -0 / +44Score on mirror )
Defend Europa (
posted 24 days ago by Needmorepopcorn on (+0 / -0 / +12Score on mirror )
posted 25 days ago by RealWildRanter on (+0 / -0 / +44Score on mirror )
White people culture (
posted 25 days ago by BlippiIsAPedo on (+0 / -0 / +25Score on mirror )
Hello, fellow consumers,

I've been wanting to bring the Weekly Threads back for some time, we haven't had one in over two years at this point, almost three, and that really felt like the beginning of the end. So, I suppose here they are again, albeit unofficially.

# This Week's Discussion Theme: Consoom USAID

Federal aid to foreign countries has been mostly stopped, and thanks to DOGE we now know where this money has been going. From what I've seen, support for ending USAID has been nearly across the board positive, but let's hear what you have to say, the finer details. Remember to be civil and respectful, this is discussion, not a flame war.

Discussion ideas:

- What are some of the negative consequences cutting USAID money may have? Yes, getting our tax dollars out of the Congo seems smart, but could it backfire?

- What do you think or hope will happen as a result of the money returning back to America? Will it benefit you, will it pay off the elite, will they find another way to funnel cash to Israel?

- What are some things that you suspect USAID funded, that's only obvious now? The porn spam on 4chan has apparently stopped, and a lot of ConPro has up and vanished.

If you want, you can put an idea for next week's discussion in the comments.
Valentine’s day be mein (
posted 25 days ago by derjudenjager on (+0 / -0 / +28Score on mirror )
A degree of suffering is required to accomplish anything of worth in this world. Even our most basic necessities require work. Man must build shelter, he must gather food, he must find or make drinkable water. Unless he is blessed by fortune he must work.

His life is readily marked by woe. We know happiness because we have known misery. We recognize our blessings because we have seen the accursed. We build ourselves up in our youth only be to taken low in our old age. We construct our masterpiece only for time to tear it down again. We experience the miracle of birth but after all life is lived our bodies are destined to return to the dust.

Is man's very existence then nothing but vanity?

Indeed all things are temporary, but your words inspired the youth, your actions compelled those of another, your generosity encouraged the same, your virtues helped a brother in his time of trouble. Everything you do will alter our posterity for better or for worse. Therefore work and do good; become an inspiration for the lost in hopes for a better future. This is man's lot.
posted 24 days ago by CrusaderPepe on (+1 / -0 / +5Score on mirror )
posted 25 days ago by WittyUserName on (+0 / -0 / +39Score on mirror )
Messianic Jews? ( ✝️ JESUS ✝️
posted 24 days ago by DeplorableGerman on (+0 / -1 / +12Score on mirror )
Consoom the Antichrist! (
posted 24 days ago by ketobikerdude on (+0 / -0 )
Growing up there was this transient around who insisted that mankind has magical capabilities but they are being suppressed by unnatural levels of EMR via radio and TV towers.

I laughed at him, as did everyone else.. but it did make me wonder.

Regardless of time or location there are stories of wizards and magicians. Has man been duped by a special class of imposter since the dawn of writing, or does magic actually exist? The mysteries of our world seem to have all vanished by the middle of the last century. Magicians were ousted as being mere illusionists, the rumors of nocturnal Injun tribes roaming the west were finally put to sleep, monsters ceased to exist, etc etc etc.

Was man just stupid and superstitious or did something actually change?
Come watch the weekly current events show that is always presented from a pro-White perspective.

This week's top story is "The DOGE Apocalypse".

Remember, it's not just ok to be White, it's fucking glorious! #14Words

Show starts at noon Central.
posted 25 days ago by Conspirologist on (+0 / -0 / +15Score on mirror )
A better job (
posted 25 days ago by MLJFireDragon747 on (+0 / -0 / +41Score on mirror )
posted 25 days ago by LawrysSeasonedSoap on (+0 / -0 / +88Score on mirror )
posted 25 days ago by Conspirologist on (+0 / -0 / +11Score on mirror )
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