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The Golden Calf: A Cepher Academy Presentation with Dr. Stephen Pidgeon [1.35.32]
The Golden Calf
Now we find ourselves in similar times – times when that which is evil is called good, and that which is good is called evil, and wickedness reigns over the corners of the earth.
However, we have not seen the rise of wickedness in the worship of the golden calf – at least until now. There are many now calling themselves Elohiym and the heresy of self-worship is manifest in the creation of a new Ten Commandments. Look up, your redemption draws near.
The days of Noach were antediluvian – these were the days that preceded the great deluge that would cover the earth and would destroy “every living substance upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heavens.”
There were curious beings on the earth at that time – being called Nephiliym, and Raphayim – faints and other beings of chimeric DNA – hybrids outside the scope and plan of Yahuah.
And the hearts of men had departed from the teaching of heads of mankind who sought the pursuit of righteousness, including Chanoch and Noach himself.
The Wickedness of man was great in the earth at that time; and “every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”
Now we find ourselves in similar times – times when that which is evil is called good, and that which is good is called evil, and wickedness reigns over the corners of the earth.
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