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The world now sits at the brink of a catastrophic nuclear war, as the fires of conflict have been reignited by the powers of the western Roman church, and the responsive powers of the East.
This is not the first time in history that this very same battle has been started. In the time of the Parthian Empire, an understanding was reached between the Parthians and the Romans that the Parthians would not move west of the Euphrates, and Rome would not move east of the same.
But this agreement was breached by a Roman general who saw “easy pickings” on the eastern side of the Euphrates and moved ahead with his army to pursue the spoils. But the Parthians destroyed the Romans in that battle and ultimately confronted western Rome in devastating battles that would ultimately end Rome.
However as soon as Western Rome could muster military power, the assaults “across the Euphrates” would be undertaken again, whether by the Napoleon, the Kaiser, or the Chancellor. Following the defeat of Napoleon, the communist current was used to work an inside transaction covertly against the Orthodox people of Russia most successfully, succeeding where overt force had failed.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the unexpected has occurred. The atheist world of communism was expected to continue – but instead, the Russians have reembraced Orthodoxy! Once this became clear to the Western Roman Empire, the demonization of Russia began and a strategy was employed in Ukraine to once again engage the Orthodox people with a military strategy.
They have crossed the Euphrates again in Ukraine.
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