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1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
It's like adding rhythm to poetry but keeping a focus on the words instead of instrumentation. There's room for someone to do something genuinely artistic and impressive there - I just don't see anyone doing it.
All I hear about is the musical equivalent of mcdaco hut soyslop. It's like stadium country but black.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
The article has about 5 paragraphs of weasling to try and get out of saying that.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
There's an old story about how an American went to the USSR to do a nice easy piece on "lol their news is state run and thus bad and ours is good because free" but the story he pieced together from the locals ended up being "the bias from their state-run media is so blatant that you can strip it away and get a rough idea of the actual events fairly easily".
So what we have here is an article saying someone successfully put up a white lives matter banner in a prominant place and the state couldn't figure out who did it.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Seems like one of those online guru types, which become a lot less useful after you shake off dependency on cultural norms and start to get a good idea of who you are.
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