An authority to do the culling? I think that Nick Land's point, in the passage that I quoted, was the exact opposite.
My interpretation is that he is saying that Social Darwinism is self-enforcing. Humans can decide that it is too brutal, that they don't like it, and that they are going to opt out. But there is no opt out. Their non-Social Darwinist society will be dysgenic and in the fullness of time it will collapse due to dysgenics. Social Darwinism will reassert itself, all by itself. No authority is consulted or deferred to.
Perhaps one source of confusion is that Charles III offers an image of Royalty as quaint and old fashioned; talking to plants, championing traditional architecture against modern. But it wasn't always like that.
Back when the ballooning craze was taking off George III wrote to the Royal Society asking if research into 'air-globes' should be sponsored by the British Crown, or left to private individuals. He even held the string of a small hydrogen balloon launched from the terrace at Windsor Castle. Royalty has been up to date in the past, and could be again.
So naturally, some of NRx looks to retro-Kingship; quaint and old fashioned. And some is more modernist, embracing Darwinism, and new rules of succession, such as the Rotating Triple Crown.
My interpretation is that he is saying that Social Darwinism is self-enforcing. Humans can decide that it is too brutal, that they don't like it, and that they are going to opt out. But there is no opt out. Their non-Social Darwinist society will be dysgenic and in the fullness of time it will collapse due to dysgenics. Social Darwinism will reassert itself, all by itself. No authority is consulted or deferred to.
Perhaps one source of confusion is that Charles III offers an image of Royalty as quaint and old fashioned; talking to plants, championing traditional architecture against modern. But it wasn't always like that.
Back when the ballooning craze was taking off George III wrote to the Royal Society asking if research into 'air-globes' should be sponsored by the British Crown, or left to private individuals. He even held the string of a small hydrogen balloon launched from the terrace at Windsor Castle. Royalty has been up to date in the past, and could be again.
So naturally, some of NRx looks to retro-Kingship; quaint and old fashioned. And some is more modernist, embracing Darwinism, and new rules of succession, such as the Rotating Triple Crown.
I'm conflicted about that. One of the best webpages that I've seen is
It has simulations of the SIR and SIS models of infection built into the page that explains them. That is something important about web pages. I've even tried my hand at doing it which is an animation of a mechanical AND gate that you can make with cardboard and drawing pins. (An is incomprehensible until I get around to writing the necessary explanation).
I've tinkered with writing raw PostScript in the past. I guess PDF is popular now, precisely because it gets away from the page description being a program, but something is lost.