Joined 2 years ago
Comment points: 19 Post points: 31

I don't know if the forum is getting more trolls or if it's just brigaders from other boards, but the pedo age thing and the infighting is starting to grow to noticeable levels. Feels like we have more mossad agents than usual.
Anyone else seeing this, or am I looking to hard through this lens?
Looking to get the tastiest and purest water for drinking.
$500.00 - $1000.00 budget.
Has to fit under kitchen sink (standard size)
Has to be low maintenance. I don't mind assembly, but I don't want to be replacing parts often or pulling this thing out to clean 4 times a year.
Am looking for a "One and done" type of solution, if you follow.
posted 2 years ago by HEXEN in ConsumeProduct (+10 / -0 )
I noticed the change about a month ago personally, or around that timeframe.
Never really thought twice about it, which is stupid on my part, but what exactly is "Scored" and why is it hosting all .win communities?
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